Home > Documents Signing - A Recipient's View > Add your e-signature

Add your e-signature

Electronic signatures (e-signatures) are used to indicate the person’s consent to sign. E-signature can be a typed name, scanned image of handwritten signature or drawn in real-time on a signature tablet etc.

e-signatures by themselves do not provide authentication of the signer or protect the document from change, as the signer doesn't necessarily need to have a SigningHub account for their e-signature. The e-signature can also be produced as the witness digital signatures, if they are generated by using a witness (shared) certificate of SigningHub. 

Add your e-signature

  1. Open the pending document.
  2. Click the highlighted "Start" pointer to begin adding your e-signature. The cursor will start blinking in the (yellow-orange color) e-signature field assigned to you.


  1. Click the electronic signature field.
    • SigningHub will prompt to agree to the legal notice (if it is configured for you).
    • A dialog will appear, select the e-signature type (Text/ Draw/ Upload) to sign the field accordingly. In case of uploading a signature image, the white color in the image background will be auto converted to transparent. 
      If your textual signature is prefilled-in with your fixed name, it is probably because the signature text editing is restricted in your enterprise role
      To edit your signature text: 
      Use your Personal Settings> Hand Signature Method for Web Browsers> Text-based Signatures, if you are using a web browser for signing. Or  
      Use your Personal Settings> Hand Signature Method for Mobile Apps> Text-based Signatures, if you are using a mobile app for signing.

    • Click the "More" option to select a witness signing capacity. This is an optional step and will only be required when Witness Signatures are allowed in your service plan. 

In case of an invisible witness digital signature, there will be no appearance preferences on the "Sign" dialog. 

    • Click the "Sign Now" button.           
      • The document is signed and your e-signature will be displayed on the same area of the document. 
      • The document status will be changed from "Pending" to "Signed".
      • The system will notify the respective document owner regarding your signature through an email. 
      • An intimation email will also be sent from the document owner to the next configured recipient (if any), requesting him/ her to respond to the document workflow accordingly. The recipient can then follow the document link from the email to collaborate in the workflow.
  1. Click the "Close" button.

In case the "Automatically proceed with workflow upon completion of mandatory actions by signer" option is turned off in your enterprise user role, then the "Finish" button will be displayed to conclude the signing process.

Add your e-signature with OTP

If the document owner has configured the OTP security with your e-signature field, then an OTP will be sent on your mobile, when you attempt to sign. In such a case:

  1. When you click the signature field to sign, a dialog will appear to select the e-signature type (Text/ Draw/ Upload) to sign the field accordingly.
    In case of uploading a signature image, the white color in the image background will be auto converted to transparent.  

  1. Click the "More" option to select a witness signing capacity. This is an optional step and will only be required when Witness Signatures are allowed in your service plan. 

  1. Click the "Next" button.
    An OTP will be generated and sent on your mobile device.
  2. Specify the received OTP in the given field, and click the "Sign Now" button. 
    The document is signed and your e-signature will be displayed on the same area of the document.

  1. Click the "Close" button.
    In case the "Automatically proceed with workflow upon completion of mandatory actions by signer" option is turned off from your  enterprise user role, then the "Finish" button will be displayed to conclude the signing process.

1. You can add your e-signature on a pending document, even if you don't have a SigningHub account.
2. An electronic signature can also be a witness digital signature, if it is generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing.
3. An invisible signature doesn't have any visible appearance on a document. However it entails all other verifiable characteristics of e-signing, i.e. Time Stamping, Certificate Chain, Certificate Status, etc. An invisible signature can be a Digital Signature, Witness Digital Signature, or Witness In-Person signature as configured in a workflow.
4. Please contact the respective document owner to change the mobile number, if it is incorrect on the OTP dialog. 
5. ​If you delete a pending document from your documents list without signing, it is considered as declined.
6. Fill in the field's data accordingly and click the "Next" button to traverse to your next field for data entry. Keep doing so till you reach the last field assigned to you. SigningHub will display the total and traversed counts of your assigned fields accordingly. 

See also

Open a pending document
Add/ download attachments
Merge other pdf files
Document permissions
Fill in your form components
Fill in your form fields
Add your initials
Add your In-Person Signature
Agree to the legal notice
Add your Digital Signature
Add signing comments
Review a document
Update a document
Host in-person signing
Decline a document
View verification details
Change a recipient/ placeholder
Delegate your signing authority in a workflow