Home > Configure Enterprise Settings > Manage your users roles > Configure Signature Appearance

Configure Signature Appearance

Signature appearance is all about configuring the allowed signature methods (i.e. Draw signature, Text-based signature, or Upload signature image) in a role. You can separately configure these settings for web browsers, mobile apps and initials, and choose a default signature method for each case. 

This section also lets you select a signature appearance design, which specifies the user information (i.e. Hand signature with details & company logo, hand signature with details, or hand signature only) to be shown in a user signature. The set configurations from here will be shown as default settings to your enterprise users belonging to this role. However they can overrule these configurations through their personal signature settings or while signing a document.

Configure signature appearance in a role 

  1. Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
  2. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  3. Click the "Enterprise Settings" option.
  4. Click the "Roles" option from the left menu.

  1. Search/ move to the role to edit and click adjacent to it. The "Edit Role" screen will appear for re-configurations.

  1. Click the "Signature Appearance" tab. 
    Configure the signature appearance fields as required, see the fields description in the "Signature Appearance" table below.

  1. Click the "Save" button.

Signature Appearance



Allowed Hand Signature Methods for Web Browsers

The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they sign through Web Browsers:

  • Select the "Draw Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand signatures from their system mouse or touchscreen.
  • Select the "Text-based Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their names from their system keyboard. Doing so will display an additional preference to set, i.e.:
    • Select the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" option to restrict your enterprise users from typing their names in the signature fields. SigningHub will auto fill their names in the signature fields and wont allow them to edit it. 
    • Keep the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" option un-selected, if you don't want to add such restriction for your enterprise users and let them type their names in the signature fields.
  • Select the "Upload Signature Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their signature. SigningHub will allow them to upload a signature image from their machine.
  • In case of allowing multiple signature methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that could be shown as default signature method for web browsers to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default signature method as required from there.

Allowed Hand Signature Methods for Mobile Apps

The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they sign through Mobile Apps:

  • Select the "Draw Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand signatures from their system mouse or touchscreen.
  • Select the "Text-based Signature" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their names from their system keyboard. Doing so will display an additional preference to set, i.e.:
    • Select the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" option to restrict your enterprise users from typing their names in the signature fields. SigningHub will auto fill their names in the signature fields and wont allow them to edit it. 
    • Keep the "Auto fill with user name and lock the text field" option un-selected, if you don't want to add such restriction for your enterprise users and let them type their names in the signature fields.
  • Select the "Upload Signature Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their signature. SigningHub will allow them to upload a signature image from their machine.
  • In case of allowing multiple signature methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that could be shown as default signature method for mobile apps to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default signature method as required from there.

Allowed Initials Methods

The following preferences will be applicable to your enterprise users (that are registered with this role), when they add their initials:

  • Select the "Draw Initials" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to draw freehand initials from their system mouse or touchscreen.
  • Select the "Text-based Initials" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to type their initials from their system keyboard. Doing so will display an additional preference to set, i.e.:
    • Select the "Auto fill with user initials and lock the text field" option to restrict your enterprise users from typing their initials in the initials fields. SigningHub will auto fill their initials in the initials fields and wont allow them to edit it. 
    • Keep the "Auto fill with user initials and lock the text field" option un-selected, if you don't want to add such restriction for your enterprise users and let them type their initials in the initials fields.
  • Select the "Upload Initials Image" option, if you want to allow your enterprise users to use an image for their initials. SigningHub will allow them to upload an initials image from their machine.
  • In case of allowing multiple initials methods, the "Default" field will list all the allowed methods. Select a method from the list that could be shown as default initials method to your enterprise users in their Personal Settings. They can however overrule the default initials method as required from there.

Allowed Signature Appearance Designs

Signature appearances are applicable to digital signatures only.

  • Select the "All" option to allow your enterprise users to choose any signature appearance (i.e. Hand Signatures Only, Hand Signature with Details and Logo, or Hand Signature with Details) for their digital signatures. The selected option from here will be shown as default appearance in the digital signing dialog.
  • Select the "Only" option, and select a signature appearance from the list to configure a fixed signature appearance for your enterprise users (that are registered with this role).
    These appearances are managed from SigningHub Admin interface, where customized appearances can also be defined based on your business/ organizational preferences. 

See also

Configure User Settings

Configure Enterprise Settings
Configure Document Settings
Configure Signature Settings
Configure Enterprise Authentication