Home > Documents Signing - A Recipient's View > Add signing comments

Add signing comments

You can view the comments from document owner and other recipients, and can also post your signing comments (up to 255 characters) related to the received document. This will also include the approval and declining reasons. The posted comments are maintained separately in the workflow, and will not be the part of completed/ signed PDF document. You can post your comments even after signing the document. 

Adding comments is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings.

Add a comment

  1. Open the pending document.
  2. Click  from the right of document header.

  1. A popup will appear, specify your comment in the provided field and click the "Post" button. The posted comment will be shown like a normal chat. Similarly you can add multiple comments. The comments from other configured recipients can also be seen in the chat along with the respective recipient's name (who posted the comment) and date and time stamp.

See also

Open a pending document
Add/ download attachments
Merge other pdf files
Document permissions
Fill in your form components
Fill in your form fields
Add your initials
Add your In-Person Signature
Agree to the legal notice
Add your Digital Signature
Add your e-signature
Review a document
Update a document
Host in-person signing
Decline a document
View verification details
Change a recipient/ placeholder
Delegate your signing authority in a workflow