SigningHub lets the document owner, and the recipients add document comments with in the workflows. The document owner and the recipients can add document comments to a workflow for which the document owner has allowed document comments.
Document comments can be added in all modes. i.e Draft, Pending, In-progress, Signed, Declined, Approved, Submitted, and Completed. 
Once a document comment is added, depending on whether it is a public comment or a private comment, the users will be notified (via push notifications/on-screen notifications/email notifications) as per their personal notification settings and enterprise notification settings.

In case the user is a document owner, the "When my documents are processed by others" notification setting will be followed. In case the user is a recipient, the "When there are subsequent changes in documents that I received" notification setting will be followed.

Add a document comment

  1. Open the document in which you want to add document comments.
  2. On the document viewer screen, click on the document comments button to drag and drop the document comment field anywhere on the document. Once a document comment field is dropped, the field will no longer be draggable. The document field is not resizeable,

  3. Once the document comment field is dropped, the comment dialog will open. 

  4. Click on the button to can configure if they want to post a public comment or a private comment. By default, "Everyone" is selected for posting a public comment. For a private comment, the user can choose the recipient(s) who can see this comment.
    Only public document comments will be visible to all the recipients. The private document comment thread will only be visible to the selected recipients. 

  5. In the comment field, specify the comment you want to post. You can also choose to mention a recipient by typing "@" or clicking on the button. The maximum length of the comment is 500 characters.

  6. Click on the "Post" button amd the document comment will be posted.

Edit a document comment

A document comment can only be edited while the document is in "Draft" mode. 

  1. Click on the button from the document comments dialog, and click on the "Edit" option. 

  2. Once the document comment is being edited, only the comment can be changed and not whether the comment is public or private (who can see the comment). Once edited, click on the "Save" button. If you want to discard the changes, click on the "Cancel" button to revert back to the original comment.


Delete a document comment

A document comment can only be deleted while the document is in "Draft" mode. 

  1. Click on the button from the document comments dialog, and click on the "Delete" option. Once clicked, the document comment will be deleted.

Reply to a document comment

The user can reply to a document comment to start a thread. 

  1. Click on the document comment which you want to reply to.

  2. Write a reply to the document comment and click on the "Reply" button. 

  1. A recipient with a "Send a Copy" role, does not have the option to add document comments.
  2. Document comments are not allowed in "Only Me" workflows.
  3. The document comments feature is only available for PDF and DOC documents, and is not available for XML documents. 
  4. If a recipient is changed, all the private comments with that particular recipient will be deleted from the system. However, the public comments of that recipient will not be deleted.
  5. For any unseen comments, a counter for the unseen comments will appear against the document comment thread.

See Also