SigningHub allows you to download the document package from within the document viewer screen as well. A single document will be downloaded as a PDF file, and for multiple documents, the user can choose to download them as a ZIP file or a PDF file. The availability of this feature will be subject to the "Allow Download" recipient permission as configured by the respective Document Owner. Hence, if you dont have the downloading permissions for a (Pending/ Signed/ Approved/ Edited/ Declined) document, you cant download it. 


Download documents

  1. Click on the download button, appearing in the toolbar of the document viewer screen. 

  2. In case there is a single document in the package, the document will be downloaded as a PDF file. 
    In case there are multiple documents in the document package, the "Download Document" dialog will appear. From the "Download Document" dialog:
    • Check the checkbox next to the documents that you wish to download. 
    • Check the "Combine all documents into a single PDF file" checkbox, if you want to combine all documents within the document package into a single PDF file.
    • Click on the "Download" button.

  1. The Combine all PDFs into a single file feature merges documents in the exact sequence they appear within the document package, preserving their original order.
  2. If any document within the document package contains a PKI signature—whether visible or invisible—the system will prevent the combining process and display an error message to the user.

See Also