SigningHub lets the document owner, and the recipients add document comments with in the workflows. The document owner can choose to allow document comments for each workflow.

Configure document comments

After you have:

  1. Open the "Advanced Options" by clicking the   button.

  2. From "Advanced Options" dialog, open the "Comments" tab and select the "Allow Comments" checkbox as required to allow/disallow the document comments.

  3. Click the "Save" button to save the configurations.

  1. In case of an enterprise user, the "Comments" tab in the "Advanced Options" dialog will only be visible if the "Add comments on documents" checkbox is allowed against the document owner's role settings.
  2. In case of an individual user, the "Comments" tab in the "Advanced Options" dialog will only be visible, by default.
  3. The document comments feature is not available for "Only Me" workflows.
  4. The document comments feature is only available for PDF and DOC documents, and is not available for XML documents. 
  5. The document comments can only be toggled on or off while the document is in "Draft" mode.

See Also