Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Manage Connectors > Create an SMS Connector

Create an SMS Connector

The SMS connector allows SigningHub to connect with any SMS Gateway to provide SMS gateway services to SigningHub Desktop Web. It is a generic connector that can accept:
  • URL of the SMS Gateway to send an HTTP request
  • HTTP method, i.e. POST or GET
  • Dynamic key value pair of attributes that are sent in the HTTP request 
By using this connector, SigningHub can seamlessly connect with any SMS gateway(s) through the provided parameters to send off OTP messages to the recipients.  

Create an SMS connector
  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Connectors" option. 
    The "Connectors" screen will appear.
  3. Click  from the grid header.

  4. A dialog will appear to add the connector details. The connector dialog is comprised of two screens, i.e. Basic Information and Details. Specify the basic information and click the "Next" button to provide the respective connector details. 
  5. Click the "Finish" button. A new connector will be saved and displayed in the list. See the below table for fields description. 

SMS Connector
Fields Description
Specify a unique name for this connector, i.e. My SMS. This connector will be used in the configuration of Global Settings and service plans. 
    Provider Select the provider for this connector, i.e. "SMS".    
      Purpose This field will display the purpose of the selected provider above, i.e. the purpose of "SMS" is "SMS Gateway".
          Specify the server URL on which system will request to send SMS.
          If you specify {}, then system will look for AccountSid in the Request parameter and will replace the URL with AccountSid. 

          Method Choose a method for this SMS connector as required, i.e. GET or Post.
          • GET is used to send the Request Parameters in the query string.
          • POST is used to send the Request Parameters in the body. It will also add the value of the "Content Type" drop down in the Request Header, i.e. application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or multipart/form-data.  
          Request Headers
          Authorization  Choose an authorization header while sending the request, i.e.:
          • No Auth, this will not add any authorization in the request.
          • Basic Auth, this will require user name and password of the SMS Gateway.
          • Bearer Token, this will require the authentication token of the SMS Gateway. 
          Content Type Choose a content type for this SMS connector, i.e.:
          • application/json, 
          • application/x-www-form-urlencoded, 
          • multipart/form-data
          Add Request Header Click this button to add more request header fields. A pair of fields will be added, to specify the custom header that will be sent to the URL while sending the request, e.g. "X-Version: 1" is a custom header.

          Please note, you cannot delete a request header field after adding it. If you have mistakenly added the one, then better to keep it empty so that system may ignore it.  
          Request Parameters
          Param Number This parameter is filled in by the server itself while sending OTP to a client. Specify the parameter number that is being used by the SMS Gateway API. 
          Param Number is used to identify the Number parameter. The SMS API may treat number differently, e.g. eskon web service calls it PrmMobileNumber.
          Param Message This parameter is filled in by the server itself while sending OTP to a client. Specify the parameter message that is being used by the SMS Gateway API. 
          Param Message is used to identify the Message parameter. The SMS API may treat message differently, e.g. eskon web service calls it PrmMessageText.
          Add Request Parameter Click this button to add more request parameter fields. A pair of fields will be added, to specify any additional parameter which is required by the SMS gateway, but is not available in the default request parameters as provided above, e.g. Twillio requires Account SID. So you can add a field pair, and specify "Account SID" in the left field and its corresponding value in the right field.

          Please note, you cannot delete a request parameter field after adding it. If you have mistakenly added the one, then better to keep it empty so that system may ignore it.  
          Send Message Click this button to validate the provided SMS gateway configurations by sending a test SMS. A dialog will appear, specify your mobile number along with the correct country code and click the "Send" button. Based on the server reply, a toaster message of success or failure will be displayed.

          In case of successful configurations, you will receive a test SMS on your mobile device. However if you donot receive the message, then revisit your provided SMS gateway configurations.
          Active Tick this check box to make this connector active. Inactive connectors cannot be configured in the Global Settings and service plans.

            See also
            Create a LinkedIn Connector
            Create a Google Connector
            Create a OneDrive Connector
            Create an ADSS Server Connector
            Create a Clickatell Connector
            Create a Twilio Connector
            Create a Worldpay Connector
            Create a Stripe Connector
            Create an SMTP Server Connector
            Create an Active Directory Connector
            Create a Dropbox Connector
            Create a Salesforce Connector
            Create a SAML IDP Connector
            Create a Google Drive Connector
            Create a HubSpot Connector
            Create an Office 365 Connector
            Create an ADFS Connector
            Create a Maxmind GeoIP Connector
            Create a Firebase Connector
            Create a Freja Mobile Connector
            Create a Freja eID Connector
            Create an Azure Blob Connector
            Create an Azure Active Directory Connector
            Create a Bank ID Connector
            Create a Captcha Connector
            Create an itsme Connector
            Create a T1C Connector
            Configure File Scanning Connector
            Edit a Connector
            Delete a Connector
            Search a Connector