Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Manage Connectors

Manage Connectors

A set of configurations saved in SigningHub Admin to communicate with a particular third party system (server) is called a connector. Connectors are created to use different types of third party services in SigningHub Desktop Web i.e. Signing, Authentication, Messaging (SMS), Billing, Cloud storage, etc.

SigningHub can be integrated with the following systems by creating their exclusive connectors:

See also
Configure Global Settings
Manage Authentication Profiles
Manage Certification Profiles
Manage Signing Profiles
Manage Verification Profiles
Manage Virtual ID Profiles
Configure Auto Signing of Workflow Evidence Report
Configure Service Agreements
Configure Document Settings
Configure Data Security
Configure Billing Facility
Configure SigningHub License
Configure SigningHub Branding
Configure SigningHub Instances
Update Redis Configurations
Publish Your Configurations