Home > Documents Sharing - A Document Owner's View > Apply a template on your document(s)

Apply a template on your document(s)

SigningHub enables you to reuse the predefined workflow configurations on the same documents in the form of a workflow template. When used, the template applies all the workflow related settings (i.e. signers, reviewers, editors, meeting hosts, placeholders, signing sequence, signatures fields and their positions, reminders, form fields, permissions, etc.) on the document, making the workflow configuration process efficient and robust. 

The individual users can use their personal templates, while the enterprise users can use their personal as well as their enterprise templates (as maintained by their enterprise admin).

Apply a template on your document(s)
After you have added all the documents in a workflow package:

  1. Click  against the document in a workflow package, on which you want to apply a template.

  1. A dialog will appear showing options to list your personal templates (and enterprise templates in case you are an enterprise user). Select the required option (i.e. All, Personal, or Enterprise) to list the templates accordingly. The adjacent count shows the respective number of templates available under each option. The templates that are marked as read-only are the locked templates. The predefined configurations of a read-only template can not be modified. However the placeholder fields inside a template can still be updated as required.

  1. Select a template from the list and click the "Apply" button. In case you want to apply this template on all the documents of the package, click the "Apply to All" button.
  2. All the configurations saved in the (selected) template will be applied on the document(s).

  1. Click the "Next" button to proceed further.
  2. Click the "Share Now" button from the next appearing screen to send off the documents package.

1. To experience the exact settings, it is recommended to apply a workflow template on the same documents (for which it was created). The actual positions of configured signature/ initials/ in-person fields may alter, if a template is applied on different type or size of documents.

2. When a read-only template is applied on a document, SigningHub wont allow to change any predefined configurations, except updating placeholders.  For more details, see Read-only templates.

3. Whenever a documents package is shared, the workflow quota of respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence the available count is decreased by one.

See also

New Workflow button
Add a document
Add recipient(s) and placeholder(s)
Configure workflow type
Configure special privileges
Add email message
Add comments
Add attachments
Merge documents
Add data fields
Save your configurations in a template
Change a recipient/ placeholder after sharing