
SigningHub allows its users to sign Word documents (having the .docx format) containing a signature line. The documents are allowed to retain their original format and are not converted to .pdf. This requires configuration of a signing profile, and a verification profile in ADSS. Configuration of a connector, a signing profile, a verification profile, and a service plan in SigningHub Admin. Once the configurations have been made, create a workflow with a Word document, and share the workflow. After sharing the workflow, sign the document via either SigningHub API or SigningHub Web.

XAdES-X-L (XAdES-X with Long-term Validation Data)

XAdES-X-L, short for "XAdES-X with Long-term Validation Data," is an advanced electronic signature format supported by SigningHub. This signature format aligns with ETSI standards, specifically tailored to meet European requirements for qualified electronic signatures. XAdES-X-L extends the capabilities of XAdES-X signatures by incorporating Long-term Validation Data. This ensures the long-term integrity and availability of validation data associated with the signature.

How it works?

  1. Configure a signing profile as a prerequisite, in  ADSS.
  2. Configure a verification profile, in ADSS.
  3. Configure a connector, in SigningHub Admin.
  4. Configure a signing profile, in SigningHub Admin.
  5. Configure a verification profile, in SigningHub Admin.
  6. Add the signing profile and verification profile to the service plan.
  7. Create a workflow with a Word document, and share the workflow.
  8. Once you're shared the workflow, sign the document via either SigningHub API or SigningHub Web.

Configure a Singing Profile in ADSS

For word document signing a signing profile is configured in ADSS Signing Service. 

To configure signing profile for signing a Word document, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Select Signature Type" section, check "PKCS#1" and copy the Profile ID because it would be used in SigningHub Admin. Then click the "Next" button.

  1. In the "Advanced Settings" tab, enable the "Hash Signing Settings", and click the "Save" button.

Configure a Verification Profile in ADSS

For signature verification, a verification profile is configured in ADSS Verification Service.

To configure a verification profile, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the Profile ID because it would be used in SigningHub Admin.

  1. SigningHub creates the PKCS#1 signature for using signing service. In the "Signature Settings" tab, make the following changes:

Configure a Connector in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create an ADSS Server Connector in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a connector in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Basic Information" section, choose "ADSS Server" as the "Provider".

  1. In the "Details" section, fill in the required fields.

Configure a Signing Profile in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a signing profile in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a signing profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Paste the earlier copied Profile ID, while creating a Signing Profile in the ADSS, in the highlighted field below:

  1. The hashing algorithm for the signing profile in SingingHub, should be the same as the hashing algorithm selected while creating a signing profile in ADSS.

Configure a Verification Profile in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a verification profile in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a verification profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Paste the earlier copied Profile ID, while creating a Verification Profile in the ADSS, in the highlighted field below:

Add Signing Profile and Verification Profile to a Service Plan

To see in detail, how to create a service plan in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a service plan in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Select and add the earlier configured Signing Profile and Verification Profile, in a service plan in SigningHub Admin, as shown below:

SigningHub API Configurations

Make the following configurations to SigningHub API:

  1. Get the authentication token of a user using SigningHub API.

  1. Add a document package from SigningHub API.

  1. Upload document via stream/base with document extension .docx. Set the "x-convert-document" to false.

  1. The Word document being uploaded must have the signature line(s) along with the email addresses of the signer(s).

  1. Share the workflow.

Signing via SigningHub API

To sign the document via SigningHub API:

  1. Sign the workflow.

  1. In case of bulk signing, use the below API.

Signing via SigningHub Web 

To sign the document via SigningHub Web, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Open SigningHub Web and open the Word document through the document listing. Click on the signature field and then click "SIGN NOW".

  1. After signing the document, click the three dots menu  and select "Signature Verification".

  1. View "Signature Verification" details.

  1. The Word document can also be signed via bulk sign, on SigningHub Web.

See Also