
The Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) is a standard protocol for cloud-based digital signatures that supports web and mobile applications and complies with the most demanding electronic signature regulations in the world. The goal is to provide a common technical specification that will make solutions interoperable and suitable for uniform adoption in the global market, and to meet the highest level requirements of the European Union’s regulation on Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS). For more details on CSC and it's implementation click here.

SigningHub supports the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) API protocol, this enables customers to leverage Remote Signing Service Providers (RSSP) for signing documents. Support for CSC within SigningHub now means customers can not only use SigningHub with Ascertia ADSS Signing Server but also independently with a CSC compliant RSSP. 

SigningHub supports Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) signing via the following two flows:

CSC Signing - Client Credentials Flow

How it works?

  1. To perform CSC signing, you must configure a CSC connector, in SigningHub Admin.
  2. Configure a signing profile using the connector, in SigningHub Admin.
  3. Configure the signing profile to the service plan, in SigningHub Admin.  
  4. Add Signing Server to your enterprise user role that you want to use for CSC signing.
  5. Specify your CSC User ID against your profile.
  6. Sign the document using the CSC Signing Server via SigningHub Web or API.

Configure a Connector in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create an CSC Connector in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a connector in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Basic Information" section, choose "CSC" as the "Provider".

  1. In the "Details" section, choose "Client Credentials" as the "Auth Type".

  1. A call back URL has to be registered with the CSC (Cloud Signature Consortium) signing server. The URL where the user will be redirected after the authorisation process has completed. Here is the format of call back URL: "{DEPLOYMENT_WEB_URL}/CSC/OAuth/CallBack"

    For example if your SigningHub site is "" then the Callback URL for SigningHub will be "".

Configure a Signing Profile in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a signing profile in SigningHub, click here.
Make the following configurations to a signing profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Select the CSC Connector created earlier, in the highlighted field below:

Add Signing Profile to a Service Plan in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a service plan in SigningHub, click here.
Make the following configurations to the service plan in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Signature" section of the service plan, select and add the earlier configured signing profile, as shown below:

Add Signing Server to a User Role in SigningHub Web

To see in detail, how to manage enterprise user roles in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a user role in SigningHub Web:

  1. Against your user role, in the "Signature Settings" tab, add the signing server.

Specify the CSC User ID against your profile in SigningHub Web

To see in detail, how to set up your profile in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to your profile in SigningHub Web:

  1. In the "General" tab, specify the "Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) User ID".

CSC Signing 

Sign the document using the CSC Signing Server via SigningHub Web or API.

  • Signing via SigningHub Web

To perform CSC signatures via SigningHub Web, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. From the document listing, open a the document having the signature field that you want to sign. 

  1. Level of assurance assigned to your signature field, must be the same as selected while configuring CSC connector, to show the relevant CSC Signing Server at the time of signing.

  1. Click on the signature field, select the CSC Signing Server.

  1. Click the "SIGN NOW" button and based on your CSC Signing Server configurations, provide the authorization details for Explicit (PIN/OTP/Both), Implicit or OAuth 2.0 authorization. 
    Once the authorization is complete the document will be signed.

  1. The signing logs are maintained under "User Activity Logs", "Workflow History", and "Workflow Evidence Report".
  2. In case of CSC Signing:
    • Whenever a user clicks on the "Sign Now" button, to sign the document, the document will be locked. While the document is locked, other recipient can not process the document. The document will automatically unlock in case:
      • The signature has been successfully applied.
      • A period of 5 minutes has passed since the document was locked. (If you refresh or kill the browser window after clicking on the "Sign Now" button, the document will unlock after a period of 5 minutes has passed since the document was locked.)
      • Any exception has occurred from SigningHub or the CSC Server.
      • Any cancel action has been performed after clicking the "Sign Now" button.
    • If the package has multiple documents, the locking functionality will only lock the document being signed, and not the whole package. 
    • The document locking functionality also works in case of Bulk Signing. 

  • Signing via API

To perform CSC signatures via API, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Use the "Authenticate" API of SigningHub to get the authentication token of the user who is performing the signatures.
  2. The signature application (SigningHub) uses the "Get RSSP Information" API to get the RSSP (Remote Signing Service Provider) information that is needed to perform CSC Signing.
  3. The signature application (SigningHub) uses the "info" API of the CSC server which returns the information about the RSSP (Remote Signing Service Provider) and the list of API methods it has implemented. This method shall be implemented by any RSSP conforming to this specification.
  4. The signature application (SigningHub) gets the access token using the "oauth2/token" API with "client_credentials" as grant_type using the RSSP client credentials (client ID and conditionally a client secret).
  5. The signature application (SigningHub) gets the list of credentials associated with a user identifier using the "credentials/list" RSSP API or if the RUT filtration is required call the "Get Filtered Credential List" API of SigningHub. A user may have one or multiple credentials hosted by a single remote signing service provider.
  6. The signature application (SigningHub) gets the information on a signing credential, its associated certificate, and a description of the supported authorization mechanism using the "credentials/info" API of the CSC server. 
  7. If the "authorization_required" parameter is true, in response to the "Get RSSP Information" API, the "Get Account Token" API shall be used to get the account_token which will be used to hit the "oauth2/authorize" endpoint.
  8. Use the "Get Document Hash" API of SigningHub to get the hash of the document.
  1. Signature application (SigningHub) can use any one of the following APIs of the CSC server for authorization of credential ID, based on the response of the "credentials/info" API of the CSC server:
    • "credentials/sendOTP" API to start the online OTP mechanism associated with a credential ID for Explicit (OTP) authorization.
    • "credentials/authorize" API to authorize access to the credential ID for signing for Explicit (OTP/PIN) or Implicit authorization. The SAD received in response shall be used in the "signatures/signHash" API request.
    • "oauth2/authorize" API to initiate an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for the OAuth 2.0 authorization. The authorization is returned in the form of an authorization code, which the signature application shall then use to obtain the SAD with "credential" as scope. To get the SAD, use the "oauth2/token" API with "authorization_code" as the grant_type. The SAD received in response shall be used in the "signatures/signHash" API request.
  1. The signature application (SigningHub) calculates the remote digital signature of one or multiple hash values provided in input using the "signatures/signHash" API of the CSC server. This method requires credential authorization in the form of Signature Activation Data (SAD).
  2. Use the "Embed Signature" API of SigningHub to embed signatures in the document.
  1. The signature application (SigningHub) uses one of the following APIs of the CSC server for revoking access tokens, as per the requirement:
    • "auth/revoke" API to revoke the service access token or refresh token.
    • "oauth2/revoke" API to revoke an OAuth 2.0 access token or refresh token.

CSC Signing - Authorisation Code Flow

How it works?

  1. To perform CSC signatures, you must configure a CSC connector, in SigningHub Admin.
  2. Configure a signing profile using the connector, in SigningHub Admin.
  3. Configure the signing profile to the service plan, in SigningHub Admin.  
  4. Add Signing Server to your enterprise user role that you want to use for CSC signing.
  5. Sign the document using the CSC Signing Server via SigningHub Web or API.

Configure a Connector in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create an CSC Connector in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a connector in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Basic Information" section, choose "CSC" as the "Provider".

  1. In the "Details" section, choose "Authorization Code" as the "Auth Type".

  1. A call back URL has to be registered with the CSC (Cloud Signature Consortium) signing server. The URL where the user will be redirected after the authorisation process has completed. Here is the format of call back URL: "{DEPLOYMENT_WEB_URL}/CSC/OAuth/CallBack"

    For example if your SigningHub site is "" then the Callback URL for SigningHub will be "".

Configure a Signing Profile in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a signing profile in SigningHub, click here.
Make the following configurations to a signing profile in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Select the CSC Connector created earlier, in the highlighted field below:

Add Signing Profile to a Service Plan in SigningHub Admin

To see in detail, how to create a service plan in SigningHub, click here.
Make the following configurations to the service plan in SigningHub Admin:

  1. In the "Signature" section of the service plan, select and add the earlier configured signing profile, as shown below:

Add Signing Server to a User Role in SigningHub Web

To see in detail, how to manage enterprise user roles in SigningHub, click here.

Make the following configurations to a user role in SigningHub Admin:

  1. Against your user role, in the "Signature Settings" tab, add the signing server.

CSC Signing

Sign the document using the CSC Signing Server via SigningHub Web or API.

  • Signing via SigningHub Web

To perform CSC signatures via SigningHub Web, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. From the document listing, open a the document having the signature field that you want to sign. 

  1. Level of assurance assigned to your signature field, must be the same as selected while configuring CSC connector, to show the relevant CSC Signing Server at the time of signing.

  1. Click on the signature field, select the CSC Signing Server.

  1. Input the CSC user credentials, provided by the CSC Signing Server.

  1. Click the "SIGN NOW" button and based on your CSC Signing Server configurations, provide the authorization details for Explicit (PIN/OTP/Both), Implicit or OAuth 2.0 authorization. 
    Once the authorization is complete the document will be signed.

  1. The signing logs are maintained under "User Activity Logs", "Workflow History", and "Workflow Evidence Report".
  2. In case of CSC Signing:
    • Whenever a user clicks on the "Sign Now" button, to sign the document, the document will be locked. While the document is locked, other recipient can not process the document. The document will automatically unlock in case:
      • The signature has been successfully applied.
      • A period of 5 minutes has passed since the document was locked. (If you refresh or kill the browser window after clicking on the "Sign Now" button, the document will unlock after a period of 5 minutes has passed since the document was locked.)
      • Any exception has occurred from SigningHub or the CSC Server.
      • Any cancel action has been performed after clicking the "Sign Now" button.
    • If the package has multiple documents, the locking functionality will only lock the document being signed, and not the whole package. 
    • The document locking functionality also works in case of Bulk Signing. 

  • Signing via API

To perform CSC signatures via API, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Use the "Authenticate" API of SigningHub to get the authentication token of the user who is performing the signatures.
  2. The signature application (SigningHub) uses the "Get RSSP Information" API to get the RSSP (Remote Signing Service Provider) information that is needed to perform CSC Signing.
  3. The signature application (SigningHub) uses the "info" API of the CSC server which returns the information about the RSSP (Remote Signing Service Provider) and the list of API methods it has implemented. This method shall be implemented by any RSSP conforming to this specification.
  4. If the "authorization_required" parameter is true, in response to the "Get RSSP Information" API, the "Get Account Token" API shall be used to get the account_token which will be used to hit the "oauth2/authorize" endpoint.
  5. The signature application (SigningHub) requests authorization for the user to access the RSSP resources using the "oauth2/authorize" API of the CSC server. The authorization is returned in the form of an authorization code, which the signature application shall then use to obtain an access token with "service" as scope. To get the access token the signature application (SigningHub) uses the "oauth2/token" API with "authorization_code" as the grant_type. If the "authentication_required" parameter is true, in response to the "Get RSSP Information" API, call the "Get Access Token | SAD" SigningHub API to get the Bearer/SAD token.
  6. The signature application (SigningHub) gets the list of credentials associated with a user identifier using the "credentials/list" RSSP API or if the RUT filtration is required call the "Get Filtered Credential List" API of SigningHub. A user may have one or multiple credentials hosted by a single remote signing service provider.
  7. The signature application (SigningHub) gets the information on a signing credential, its associated certificate, and a description of the supported authorization mechanism using the "credentials/info" API of the CSC server. 
  8. Use the "Get Document Hash" API of SigningHub to get the hash of the document.
  1. The signature application (SigningHub) can use any one of the following APIs of the CSC server for authorization of credential ID, based on the response of the "credentials/info" API of the CSC server:
    • "credentials/sendOTP" API to start the online OTP mechanism associated with a credential ID for Explicit (OTP) authorization.
    • "credentials/authorize" API to authorize access to the credential ID for signing for Explicit (OTP/PIN) or Implicit authorization. The SAD received in response shall be used in the "signatures/signHash" API request.
    • "oauth2/authorize" API to initiate an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow for the OAuth 2.0 authorization. The authorization is returned in the form of an authorization code, which the signature application shall then use to obtain the SAD with "credential" as scope. To get the SAD, use the "oauth2/token" API with "authorization_code" as the grant_type. The SAD received in response shall be used in the "signatures/signHash" API request.
  1. The signature application (SigningHub) calculates the remote digital signature of one or multiple hash values provided in input using the "signatures/signHash" API of the CSC server. This method requires credential authorization in the form of Signature Activation Data (SAD).
  2. Use the "Embed Signature" API of SigningHub to embed signatures in the document.
  1. The signature application (SigningHub) uses one of the following APIs of the CSC server for revoking access tokens, as per the requirement:
    • "auth/revoke" API to revoke the service access token or refresh token.
    • "oauth2/revoke" API to revoke an OAuth 2.0 access token or refresh token.

See Also