Global Settings consists of global parameters that require a one-time configuration to run the system (SigningHub web). It comprises of eleven subsections that form logical grouping of these parameters.

The subsections are:

Configure the "General" parameters in SigningHub Global Settings

  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Global Settings" option.
  3. Global Settings will appear, select the "General" option from the top right drop down. 
  4. Configure these settings as required and click the "Save" button from the screen bottom. 

    See the below table for fields description.

Global Settings - General



Installation Name

Specify your on-premises installation (system) name that will be used throughout SigningHub Desktop Web, i.e. My SigningHub. This name will also be used to send the system generated emails to the recipients and in the title of browser tab. 

Company Name

Specify your company name that will replace the "copyright" text on SigningHub Desktop Web, wherever it is used. The specified company name will be shown in the About dialog and under the Login Page, Dashboard and Billing Invoices. 

Admin Address (Public)

Specify the admin URL of your deployment that is accessible to all the SigningHub Admin users, i.e.

Web Address (Public)

Specify the public URL of your deployment that is accessible to all the SigningHub Desktop Web users, i.e. This URL is also used in the notification email links that are sent to the recipients.

API Address (Public)

Specify the public URL for 3rd party business applications through which they can be connected to SigningHub API, i.e.

Create Account Web Page

Specify the registration URL to which the users can be directed for sign up, i.e. However, if you don't require the "Register" link on web, enter "None" in this field. 

Core Address (Public)

Specify the URL of SigningHub Core, i.e. https://machine-name:81. SigningHub Core internally use this URL along with "Core Manager Port" to communicate with its database.

Mobile Web URL (Public)

Specify the public URL of your mobile web, i.e. Your end users will be directed to this URL when they access SigningHub from their mobile browsers.

Redirect URL on Close / Finish

Specify a URL of any webpage where the recipients (coming via email link) could be redirected upon finishing their signing activity, i.e. 
This URL can be overruled by the one defined in enterprise advanced settings.

Admin Help Page URL

Specify the URL of the administrator's guide where  Administrator could be redirected to this URL upon selecting 'Help' option displayed in 'Profile' drop down menu. By default this field will be blank and 'Help' option will not be displayed in 'Profile' menu.

Web Help Page URL

Specify the URL of the user guide where Enterprise Owner, Enterprise User or Individual User could be redirected to this URL upon selecting 'Help' option displayed in 'Profile' drop down menu. By default this field will be blank and 'Help' option will not be displayed in 'Profile' menu.

Admin Password Authentication

Tick this check box to enable SigningHub to ask for the admin password as well, when they choose their SSL certificate (from the list) for system login. This will work as two-factor authentication, where SigningHub admin users will have to first select their certificate and then provide their password to log into SigningHub Admin.

In case, an admin does not have their password, then after successful login through SSL certificate, they will be redirected to a screen to set a password for themself and re-login. Once set, an admin can change their password from the "Change Password" option, under profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner of screen).

If you do not want this two-factor authentication for your admin users, keep this check box unticked. 

Ensure Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is Agreed 

Tick this checkbox to show the "Service Agreement" dialog on the login page of SigningHub Desktop Web and SigningHub Mobile Web, before letting in a successfully authenticated user into their SigningHub account. 

The "Service Agreement" dialog contains the links of the "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" pages, on which formal consent is required from each user as a part of GDPR compliance, before they could use their account. You can customise the content of these links from the Service Agreements section.

If you do not want the "Service Agreement" dialog to appear to the end-users on their login screens, keep this check box unticked. 

  1. SigningHub will not allow enabling "Ensure Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is Agreed ", if all the Service Agreements are marked as inactive.
  2. if "Ensure Terms of Service and Privacy Policy is Agreed " is enabled, it will be mandatory to tick the checkbox I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at SignUp page. 

Allow Users to Add National ID

Tick this checkbox to allow the SigningHub Desktop Web and SigningHub Mobile Web users to add their unique identity. This ID can be a RUT/ RUN/ eID or any unique identifier in addition to the user email ID. When allowed, the "National ID" field will be available on the following areas:

  • The "Register Enterprise User" dialog
  • The "Registered Enterprise Users" screen
  • The "General" section of User Profile
  • The Workflow screens related to recipient, i.e.  Add Recipient, Update Recipient, Replace Recipient, etc.
  • The Template screens related to recipient adding and updating
  • The document viewer
  • The "Delegate Signing" screen
  • The "Advance Search" dialog of Enterprise Users

Use Recipients Selected Language for Sending Emails

Tick this check box to enable SigningHub to send out emails to a recipient , in the language, based on the recipient's notification settings. 

If you do not want SigningHub to send out email notifications based on the recipient's selected language, keep this box unticked. In case the check box is unticked, the system will use the language based on the document owner's notification settings.

Only display the logos of the authentication and signing profiles

Tick this checkbox if you only want to display the logos and not the names of the authentication profiles on the login screen, and of the signing profile on the signing servers dialog box while signing. By default, this checkbox will be unticked.

If you want to display the names as well as the logos of the authentication profiles and the signing profile, keep this checkbox unticked.

  1. If the ''Only display the logos of the authentication and signing profiles' checkbox is checked and a logo has not been configured for a signing profile in the connector, the system will display the logo, in the signing servers dialog box while signing.
  2. If the ''Only display the logos of the authentication and signing profiles' checkbox is checked and a logo has not been configured for an authentication profile in the connector, the system will pick and display a logo for the authentication profile from the SigningHub directory, on the login screen.

See Also