This subsection discusses the settings related to global alerts of your on-premises deployment.

Configure the "Alerts" parameters in SigningHub Global Settings

  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Global Settings" option.
  3. Global Settings will appear, select the "Alerts" option from the top right drop down. 
  4. Configure these settings as required and click the "Save" button from the screen bottom. 
    See the below table for fields description.


Global Settings - Alerts



Support Email Address

Specify the email address for your SigningHub users, on which they can send their support queries, i.e.

  1. The "Support Email Address" will be used:
    • when clicked on the "Contact Us" button on the dashboard, 
    • when clicked on the "Contact Us" button in the user drop down menu (available at the top right corner of the screen), and
    • when clicked on the "Contact Us" button on the login screen.

(However, if in case of an enterprise, a "Support Email" has been configured in the enterprise profile, it will be used on the dashboard and the user drop down menu)

  1. The "Support Email Address" will be used for notifications, and errors. However, if in case of an enterprise, a "Support Email" has been configured in the enterprise profile, it will be used instead.

Email System Errors To

Specify the email address on which your SigningHub application can send internal system errors, i.e.

Error Notification Display Time (sec)

Specify the time in seconds after which the system notifications should fadeout in SigningHub. The specified time from here will be displayed under the default settings of an Enterprise account, from where this time can be overruled.

Notify Users about Certificates  

Check this check box to notify the users about their certificates life cycles. These notifications can be on-screen and/ or email (as configured in the User/ Enterprise settings) and will be sent on the following events:

  • Renew Certificate, when a user's signing certificate is expired at the Signing Server end (i.e. ADSS Server), SigningHub will auto renew it and notify the user accordingly. 
  • Generate Certificate, when a user signs a document for the first time, SigningHub auto generates the user's signing certificate and notify the user accordingly. 
  • Revoke Certificate, when a user's signing certificate is revoked, SigningHub will notify the user accordingly. A user's certificate can be revoked though the following ways:
    • When they attempt to change their password without providing their correct old password
    • When they change their password
    • When they execute the "Forgot password" scenario 
    • When an admin revokes the user's certificate from Accounts> Details> Signing Certificates> Revoke
    • When an admin changes the service plan of the user and the new service plan has got different certification profile than the previous one.

If you do not want to notify the users about their certificates life cycles, keep this checkbox unticked. 

Alert for Service Plan Expiry (Days)

Specify the number of days before a service plan's end date when the system should display an on-screen notification and send an email to the enterprise owner, via daily core thread.

Remove the Sender/Application Name from the Emails

Check this check box to remove the name of the Sender/Application from all the emails being generated by the system. When this checkbox is checked, the email of the sender shall be displayed in the "From" field. By default, this checkbox is unchecked. 

Service Maintenance Message

Specify a service maintenance message in this field. This service maintenance message field has a character limit of 500 characters. However, the user must ensure that the message short enough to fit a single-line banner which will be displayed on the following screens:

  • Login Screen
  • Dashboard Screen
  • Document Viewer Screen

Script tags are not allowed in this field, however, the user can add an HTML. By default this field if empty. The service maintenance message will only be displayed on Desktop Web.

See Also