Home > Administration > Configure multilingual user interface

Configure multilingual user interface

SigningHub offers multilingual interface to facilitate its worldwide customers to send documents for signature in their native language. In this regard, you can change the entire GUI of your SigningHub for SharePoint as per your desired language. 
The system supports more than 20 international languages, i.e.:

When you change the display language of your SharePoint account, the same changes will automatically reflect on the SigningHub add-in interface as well, provided your selected language is supported in SigningHub. There are three areas in your SharePoint account to change the display language, i.e.:

Configure the Regional Settings of your SharePoint account

  1. Browse the SharePoint site link (on which SigningHub add-in is installed) and log into your Office 365 account with SharePoint administrator credentials.
  2. Click  and select the "Site settings" option.

  3. Click the "Regional Settings" option.

  4. Change the "Time Zone" and "Locale" fields as required.
  5. Click OK.

Configure the Language Settings of your SharePoint account
  1. Browse the SharePoint site link (on which SigningHub add-in is installed) and log into your Office 365 account with SharePoint administrator credentials.
  2. Click  and select the "Site settings" option.

  3. Click the "Language Settings" option.

  4. Select the language(s) as required.
  5. Click OK.

The entire GUI language of your SharePoint account including SigningHub for SharePoint will be changed accordingly.

See also
Configure SigningHub account settings
Configure document settings
Configure completed document location
Configure advance settings
Configure auto-pull documents settings
Manage Users Access
Configurations for Office 365
Support for multiple enterprises
Client ID and Client Secret for Documents Auto-Pulling