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Manage Users Access

A Microsoft SharePoint admin must pre-approve a Microsoft SharePoint user to access SigningHub. This pre-approval maps the Microsoft SharePoint user as an Enterprise User account inside SigningHub. However, only a certain number of SharePoint users can be approved, as limited by the subscribed service plan of SigningHub.

The "SigningHub User Access " section is used to allow the SharePoint users to access the SigningHub enterprise account. In this regard, the SharePoint admin can add/ remove users from the SharePoint users list. The Active Directory users of SharePoint can also be added. If a user being added is already registered in SigningHub, they will be activated, otherwise an invitation email will be sent to them to create a SigningHub account. 

In case of removing any activated user from the users list, the user's account will be blocked and they will not be able to access the SigningHub add-in from SharePoint

See also
Configure SigningHub account settings
Configure document settings
Configure completed document location
Configure advance settings
Configure auto-pull documents settings
Configure multilingual user interface
Configurations for Office 365
Support for multiple enterprises
Client ID and Client Secret for Documents Auto-Pulling