Home > User's Guide > Sign your workflow documents

Sign your workflow documents

All the documents packages that you have shared (with other users for processing) or have been shared with you (by others) are listed in the "Status" screen of your SharePoint account. Here you can enjoy the document owner view for all your shared (i.e. sent and received) documents, and can sign your "Pending" documents

Before you proceed to sign a package:

Sign a pending SharePoint document
  1. Browse the SharePoint site link (as provided by your SharePoint admin) and log into your SharePoint account.
  2. Click any document library (e.g. Documents).

  3. Based on your opted SharePoint View, click the "SigningHub" tab and select the "Status" option.

  4. The "Document Status Summary" screen will appear, listing all the shared documents along with their respective information, i.e. Document Name, Document Owner, Next Signer, Date Sent, Package Status, and Actions. See the below table for its columns description.

    Column Headers
    Name Description
    Name This shows the name(s) of document(s) in each package, which you have shared from your SharePoint account or have been sent to you for processing.  


    This shows the email ID of document owner against each package, who has shared the package, i.e. mark.millar@ascertia.com

    Next This shows the name of configured next recipient in each SigningHub workflow, i.e. Caroline Joseph.

    Date This shows the date and time on which each package was shared.

    Status This shows the current status of each documents package

    Actions This shows the actions that can be performed on each shared documents package, i.e.:
    • Click  to view the package details. A dialog will appear to display the ID and name of the package, along with the information (i.e. Document Name, Document ID, and the Library Name from where document was shared) of each document inside the package. When you take the cursor on this icon, it will also display the related information in a tooltip.
    • Click  to sign a pending document package. 
    • Click  to view a document package.
    • Click  to edit a draft document within SigningHub for SharePoint.
    • Click  to check the updated status of a shared package. This option appears against the "Pending" and "In-Progress" documents only.
    • Click  to download a document package. This option is available (against all document statuses except the "Draft" status) to the document owners and to those recipients for whom document downloading permission is allowed in SigningHub. 
      The document packages are downloaded inside your SharePoint account,
       see details
      Note: when you download a completed document, the color of the download icon is changed from black to green. 
    • Click  to mark the workflow status as complete without going through all the recipients. This is useful in the cases where a few recipients don't respond to the workflow or the remaining recipients are no more required and document owners need to conclude the approval process. This option appears against the In-Progress document packages only.
    • Click  to download the Workflow Evidence Report of a package on your local machine. This option appears against the "Completed" packages only and is subject to your configured Document Settings. Once the download is complete, the color of icon is changed from black to green.
      The completed document packages are shown to their document owners only. 
    Absence of any action against a package implies that it is not related to you. 

  5. Click  against the pending document (to sign) from the "SigningHub Document Status Summary" screen.
  6. The authentication screen of SigningHub will appear within SharePoint, specify your credentials to authenticate yourself. There are multiple authentication ways in SigningHub, click the "More Login Options" link to use the advanced login options, see details.
    SigningHub for SharePoint also supports multi-factor authentication (i.e. login credentials and OTP), if it is configured in the roles settings of your SigningHub enterprise account, see details.

    You can also skip the SigningHub authentication screen by turning on the "Allow recipients to access the documents without login when using email link or integrated application" checkbox from your SigningHub Enterprise account, see details.

  7. After successful authentication, the selected document will be opened inside SigningHub for signing. See details how to sign a pending document.
  8. Once the document is signed, a confirmation screen will be displayed showing the file(s) name(s), package ID, performed action and document status.

From here you may:
  • Click the "OK" button to move to the originating screen (i.e. the screen from where you started the document signing activity).
  • Click the "Download" button to download this signed package at your configured location. This option will be available to the document owner and to those recipients for whom document downloading permission is allowed in SigningHub.
  • Click the "Home" button to move to your SharePoint Home screen. 

1. You must have the SH-CHECKSTATUS and SH-SIGN permissions in the add-in and required SharePoint permissions to view and sign your pending documents.
2. SigningHub for SharePoint also supports multi-factor authentication (i.e. login credentials and SMS OTP), if it is configured in the user role of your SigningHub enterprise account, see details.
3. If you do not want to view the SigningHub login screen for each document transaction, you may turn it off from your SigningHub Enterprise Settings/ Accessibility Preferences, see details.
4. Whenever a pending document is digitally signed, the digital signatures quota of the respective document owner's account is consumed, and hence their available count is decreased by one.

See also
SigningHub Dashboard
SigningHub for SharePoint Health
Available SharePoint views
Share your documents for signing
Share your documents by using a template
Sign your documents
Document check-out
Current status of a specific document
Check status of all your documents
View your completed documents
Use app catalog site deployment for documents processing