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SigningHub Dashboard

SigningHub Dashboard provides the real-time clickable stats of your workflow documents in a single glimpse. The counts of Pending, In-Progress, Declined, and Completed documents are displayed, which you have transacted through SigningHub for SharePoint. In addition, you can also view your service plan and signature information.

View your System Dashboard
  1. Browse the SharePoint site link (as provided by your SharePoint admin) and log into your SharePoint account.
  2. Click any document library (e.g. Documents).

  3. Based on your opted SharePoint View, click the "SigningHub" tab and select the "Dashboard" option.

  4. The "Dashboard" screen will appear showing your personal stats, as shown below.

Menu Bar Options:

See also
SigningHub for SharePoint Health
Available SharePoint views
Share your documents for signing
Share your documents by using a template
Sign your workflow documents
Sign your documents
Document check-out
Current status of a specific document
Check status of all your documents
View your completed documents
Use app catalog site deployment for documents processing