Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Configure Global Settings > Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions

This subsection discusses the settings related to bulk action limits of your on-premises deployment.
Configure the "Bulk Actions" limits in SigningHub Global Settings
  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Global Settings" option.
  3. Global Settings will appear, select the "Bulk Actions" option from the top right drop down. 
  4. Configure these settings as required and click the "Save" button from the screen bottom. 
    See the below table for fields description.
  5. Click the "Publish Changes" button from the top right corner, to make these configurations effective on the front-end (SigningHub Desktop Web).

Global Settings - Bulk Actions
Fields Description
Bulk Document Actions Limit 
Specify the maximum limit (i.e. 50) of bulk operations for your users. The users can select up to this number of files from SigningHub web to perform their bulk actions (i.e. documents sharing, documents signing, and document recalling).

If you feel that specified number of bulk activities is consuming too much resources and making the system slow, you can reduce this limit as appropriate. 
    Bulk Document Download Limit (MB)
    Specify the maximum download limit (i.e. 500 MB) for your users when performing bulk download activity. The users can download up to this size of documents collectively from SigningHub web in a zip file.

    If you feel that specified size of bulk downloading is consuming too much streaming resources and space on server, you can reduce this limit as appropriate 
      Email attachment allowed size
      Specify the maximum document size (i.e. 10 MB) that users could receive via email (i.e. when a workflow is complete, or receive document copy in a workflow, or document is auto deleted, etc.). If a document size increases from this limit, then it will not be emailed to the users.
      Currently this size limit is only applicable on the document attachments that are sent against auto deletion of unused documents.

      See also
      Service Plan
      Default Locale
      Session and Links Expiry Time
      Default Connectors
      Default Password Policy
      License Expiry Alert Setting
      Core Settings
      Analytics Tracking Codes