Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Configure Global Settings > Default Locale

Default Locale

This subsection discusses the settings related to default regional information of your on-premises deployment.
Configure the "Default Locale" parameters in SigningHub Global Settings
  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Global Settings" option.
  3. Global Settings will appear, select the "Default Locale" option from the top right drop down. 
  4. Configure these settings as required and click the "Save" button from the screen bottom. 
    See the below table for fields description.
  5. Click the "Publish Changes" button from the top right corner, to make these configurations effective on the front-end (SigningHub Desktop Web).

Global Settings - Default Locale
Fields Description
Default Country
Select a default country (i.e. United Kingdom) for your SigningHub Desktop Web. When a user does not specify their country in their registration form, SigningHub will save the default country in their profile. 
Allow Change of Country by Users
Tick the check box to allow your SigningHub web users to change their default country from Settings> Profile> Locale.
    Default Time Zone
    Select a default time zone (i.e. UTC Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Saint Peter Port, Saint Heiler) for your SigningHub Desktop Web. The timing information available in the signature verification dialog and workflow evidence report will be displayed as per the default time zone.
    Allow Change of Time Zone by Users
    Tick the check box to allow your SigningHub web users to change the default time zone from their personal Settings> Profile> Locale as required. However if you want to fix the default time zone for your SigningHub web users, keep this check box un-ticked.
      Default Language 
      Select a default language (i.e. English) for your SigningHub Desktop Web GUI. When a user does not specify their language in their registration form, SigningHub will save the default language in their profile. 
        Allow Change of Language by Users
        Tick the check box to allow your SigningHub web users to change the default language from their personal Settings> Profile> Locale and system footer. 
        However if you want to fix the default language for your SigningHub web users, keep this check box un-ticked.

        See also
        Service Plan
        Session and Links Expiry Time
        Default Connectors
        Default Password Policy
        License Expiry Alert Setting
        Bulk Actions
        Core Settings
        Analytics Tracking Codes