Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Configure Billing Facility

Configure Billing Facility

The Billing option consists of billing related configurations that are used to charge the end users for using the SigningHub services. 

Configure billing for the end users
  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Billing" option.
    Billing screen will appear, see the below table for fields description.
  3. Click the "Save" button from the screen bottom.
  4. Click the "Publish Changes" button from the top right corner, to make these configurations effective on the front-end (SigningHub Desktop Web).

Billing Configuration
Fields Description
Enable Billing
Tick this check box to enable the billing functionality for your SigningHub deployment. If you intend to use the SigningHub development for your internal use and do not have billing requirement, keep this check box un-ticked. This will hide the billing options from both the ends (SigningHub web and SigningHub Admin).
    Payment Gateway  
    Select a default payment gateway for your SigningHub Desktop Web (i.e. Worldpay or Stripe). The selected payment gateway will be used to make all the payment transactions for SigningHub Desktop Web. 
    The payment gateways are managed through the connectors section. For details, see the Worldpay and Stripe connectors.
    Require VAT Number from European Customers
    This check box will only appear if the selected "Payment Gateway" is "WorldPay".
    Tick this check box if you require the VAT numbers of your European customers. Based on the configured language of SigningHub GUI, system will automatically prompt for VAT number when an European customer makes a billing transaction.
    Default Currency Select a default currency (i.e. EUR, GBP, or USD) for all the billing transactions.
      Conversion Rate of EUR to USD Specify the conversion rate of the default currency into USD.
          Conversion Rate of EUR to GBP
          Specify the conversion rate of the default currency into GBP.

          Failed Payment Grace Period (days)
          Specify the grace time period (in days) for your end users when their "Regular" subscriptions are expired. The system wont halt the SigningHub services during the specified grace period.
            Payment Description
            Specify any payment related description for your record. 
              Sales Email Address
              Specify the email address where your end users could send their sales inquiries. This address will also be displayed on the billing invoices.
              Company Address
              Specify your company physical address to show on the billing invoices.
              Support Email Address
              Specify the email address where your end users could send their support inquiries. This address will also be displayed on the billing invoices.

              See also
              Configure Global Settings
              Manage Connectors
              Manage Authentication Profiles
              Manage Certification Profiles
              Manage Signing Profiles
              Manage Verification Profiles
              Manage Virtual ID Profiles
              Configure Auto Signing of Workflow Evidence Report
              Configure Service Agreements
              Configure Document Settings
              Configure Data Security
              Configure SigningHub License
              Configure SigningHub Branding
              Configure SigningHub Instances
              Update Redis Configurations
              Publish Your Configurations