Add your In-Person Signature
In person signatures are similar to the initials, but they are done on behalf of someone else. In-person signatures can be carried out by freehand drawing, text-filling or image upload (the same way a signature is added).
When you receive a document with in-person fields assigned to you, then you need to fill in all such fields before signing. This is to witness that document was signed in the presence of configured persons or on behalf of all of them. Similarly, a meeting host can also provide device control to the (in-person) signers, and get their signatures in his/her presence. Once you are done with in-person signatures, you can sign the document.
Add your in-person signatures
- Open the pending document.
- Click the "Start" pointer (highlighted in screenshot) to begin adding your in-person signatures. The cursor will start blinking in the first in-person field in yellow-orange color.
- Click the in-person field. A dialog window will appear, here select the in-person type (Text/Draw/Upload) to sign the field accordingly. In case of uploading a signature image, the white color in the image background will be auto converted to transparent.
If your textual signature is prefilled-in with your fixed name, it is probably because the signature text editing is restricted in your enterprise role.
To edit your signature text:
Use your Personal Settings> Hand Signature Method for Web Browsers> Text-based Signatures, if you are using a web browser for signing. Or
Use your Personal Settings> Hand Signature Method for Mobile Apps> Text-based Signatures, if you are using a mobile app for signing.
- Click the "More" option to select a signing capacity. The More option will only appear when there are multiple signing capacities loaded on signing dialog.
Signature appearance defined against signing server will be used if it is restricted from enterprise roles signature settings to use specific appearance for the selected Signing Server. Otherwise, system uses the "Signature Appearance" that is configured as default in your personal Signature Appearance which will be used while perform in-person signing. |
In case of an invisible in-person signature, there will be no appearance preferences on the "Apply In-Person Signature" dialog.
- Click the "Sign Now" button.
The specified in-person will be displayed on the same area of the document. - Click the highlighted "Next" pointer to move to the next configured in-person field for you (if any).
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 till the yellow highlighted "Next" caption takes you to your actual signature field. The system will not let you sign the document, unless you sign all your in-person fields. Also, you cannot sign the in-person fields which have been assigned to someone else.
See Also
- Open a pending document
- Add/ download attachments
- Merge other pdf files
- Document permissions
- Fill in your form components
- Fill in your form fields
- Add your initials
- Agree to the legal notice
- Add your Signature
- Add signing comments
- Review a document
- Update a document
- Host in-person signing
- Decline a document
- View verification details
- Change a recipient/ placeholder
- Delegate your signing authority in a workflow
- QR Code Scanning