Certificates are only imported in Key Manager when PKCS#10 is generated in ADSS Server and certified externally to use this key for different cryptographic operations. When a PKCS#10 is generated using a service key, it is shown in the certificate list with Pending status.

Clicking on the three dots in the last column will provide you a list of options that can be performed on the certificate:

The certificate can be viewed by clicking on its Certificate Alias or by selecting it and pressing View button: 

The Organization Identifier will only be displayed in the Subject DN if the user has enabled the 'Legal person semantic identifier' in Certificate Template while creating the required certificate.

The following screen is used for importing the certificate against a pending CSR:

A certificate can only be imported when a certificate request is with Pending status. It can not be imported against an Active or Expired certificate.

Importing a P7b certificate file for a Verification Response Signing key will show a warning message if other Key Usage bits are set in addition to digitalSignature and nonRepudiation. Re-import the P7b file after the warning is shown to have the certificate accepted.

See also

Creating CSR/Certificates

Importing Certificates
Exporting Keys/ Certificates
Searching Certificates