Once a key pair is generated then the public key can be certified. The main table within Service Keys shows whether or not a particular public key is already certified or not. To generate a new certificate, select a key pair and press the Certificates button. The following screen will then be shown:

Note the same public key can be certified multiple times. The following methods are available for the certification of the public key:

  • Enable/Disable Auto Renew of the certificates to get them renewed before the time of their expiry.
  • Renew Certificate manually.
  • Generate a CSR/certificate request message which can be certified by:
    • The Local CA module of ADSS Server - see Manage CAs for details of how to set up a Local CA
    • Generate a self-signed certificate
    • An external offline or online CA

The buttons "Enable/Disable Auto Renew" and "Renew Certificate", these options are not available for Self-Signed certificates and the certificates issued by an Offline CA.

See also

Creating New Keys
Importing Keys

Creating Certificates

5 Ways to Create Certificates