Home > Configure Personal Settings > Optimise your account storage

Optimise your account storage

Based on your subscribed service plan, SigningHub provides a specific storage quota to your account. Exceeding the available storage quota requires upgrading of your service plan. It is therefore recommended to effectively utilise the account storage space, by keeping the backup of insignificant signed documents on your local system or on your cloud drives. 

This option is specifically related to the "Individual" account subscriptions, so it will not be avaialble to you if you are using an enterprise account.

Optimise your account storage 

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Documents" option from the left menu.

  1. Uncheck the "Save each document revision" check box. 
    • When unchecked, the system will stop maintaining the downloadable document version for each change in the document (i.e. new sign, adding text, filling initials, etc.). Only the initial and final versions of the document will be available for download under the Workflow history option. However the log of each change in the document is maintained accordingly.
    • When checked, the system will start maintaining the downloadable document version for each change in the document (i.e. new sign, adding text, filling initials, etc.) along with their logs. These document versions provide complete document tracking, but consume more storage. All these document revisions will be available for download under the Workflow history option.
  2. Click the "Save" button.

See also

Set up your SigningHub profile
Configure Digital Signature Settings
Manage your contacts
Manage your groups
Manage your templates
Manage your library documents
Configure your notifications
Enable cloud drives
Manage your legal notices
Delegate your signing authority
Delete your account