Home > Configure Personal Settings > Delete your account

Delete your account

Though we will not be pleased to let you go, but sometimes we have to say goodbye. 
You may delete your SigningHub account anytime without any ifs and buts. This option is specifically related to the "Individual" account subscriptions and enterprise user accounts. However an enterprise owner cannot delete their account unless the enterprise ownership is transferred to another enterprise admin.

Delete your account 

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Advanced" option from the left menu.

  1. Click the "Delete My Account" button from the "Delete Account" tab.
  2. A confirmation message will appear. Click "Yes" to continue. 
  3. A confirmation email will be sent to you with an encrypted link of account deletion. Click "Delete Account" from the email to conclude the account deletion process. 

​If you are an enterprise user, then the availability of this option is subject to ​the "Advanced" provision in your assigned role. Please contact your Enterprise Admin to enable it. 

See also

Set up your SigningHub profile
Configure Digital Signature Settings
Manage your contacts
Manage your groups
Manage your templates
Manage your library documents
Configure your notifications
Enable cloud drives
Manage your legal notices
Delegate your signing authority
Optimise your account storage