SigningHub allows its users to add attachments in a workflow. Adding attachment fields in a workflow is subject to recipient permissions and the configuration of your service plan. Upon sharing the document, the attachment field does not become part of the document. If you are willing to use this feature, contact your Enterprise Administrator.

After you have:

Add an attachment field in a template

  1. Select the document from the left side of document viewer screen, on which an attachment is required from a recipient. Click (encircled with the blue colour on image) if you want to manage the added documents.
  2. Select the recipient from the right side of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add an attachment field. Click  (encircled with the blue colour on image) if you want to manage the added recipients.
  3. Click the "Attachment" option, and drop it on the document. 
  4. You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Now take the cursor to the field, and click  to view and edit its details. Upon sharing, the attachment field will not become a part of the document.
    See the "Attachment Fields" table below for the fields description. 


  5. Repeat the above steps to add multiple attachment fields.

Attachment Fields



General tab


A read-only field to show the signer name along with the email and/or the mobile number, based on the selected delivery method, for whom the attachment field is being configured.


Select the "Mandatory" option, if the document owner wants to make sure that the recipients must add an attachment. 
Select the "None" option, if the document owner does not want to mandate adding an attachment.


This field will only appear if the "Mandatory" option has been selected in the "Validation" field. 
The note field lets the document owner specify a personal note (up to 500 characters) that will be used to intimate the configured recipient when they click on the attachment field. This is a mandatory field.

Details tab

Field Name

An auto-generated (unique) field name which is used when you need to sign this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised i.e., two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available when the status of a document is Draft. 


Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this attachment field. However you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document through drag and drop, and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft. The attachment field is not resizeable. 

You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.

Save and Cancel buttons

Click the "Save" button to save the configurations, or click the "Cancel" button to close the dialog.

Delete an attachment field

  1. Take the cursor to the attachment field in the document to delete, and click  appearing on it. 
    The field will be removed from the document.

  1. Only one document can be added against a single attachment field.
  2. Once an attachment has been added the system will disable the attachment field on the viewer.
  3. ​​A document owner can only add an attachment field if:
    • "Manage document attachments and document merging" is allowed against their user role, and
    • "Attachments and Merging" feature is allowed against their service plan.
  1. The attachment field will only appear for a recipient, if the "Allow Attachments and Merging" permission is allowed for the recipient.
  2. If the "Manage document attachments and document merging" is disallowed against their user role, all the unprocessed attachment fields on draft documents, will be removed.
  3. If the  "Allow Attachments and Merging" permission is disallowed for a recipient, all the unprocessed attachment fields, assigned to the recipient, on the draft document, will be removed.

See Also