In-Person signature is done by a user in presence of another user who facilitates the signing process. The facilitator can either be a configured signer or a user hosting the In-Person signing session. SigningHub lets the document owner to add one or more In-Person signature fields for a Signer or a Meeting Host. Adding In-Person signature fields is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable the respective signature field in your Role>Document Settings.

Add an In-Person signature field

After you have:

  1. Select the document from the left side of document viewer screen, on which In-Person signature is required.
  2. Select the signer/ meeting host from the right side of document viewer screen, for whom you want to add an In-Person signature field.
  3. Click the "In-Person Signature" option, and drop it on the document. 

  1. You can drag and drop the field anywhere in the document by using your mouse. The grid lines will assist you in better alignment of fields accordingly. Resize the field with respect to its height and width or use the bottom right corner to resize it diagonally as required. The system will remember the field size and its display preferences (i.e. visible or invisible) for adding new In-Person signature fields on the same documents package. By default, upon dropping the "In-Person Signature" field, the "EDIT IN-PERSON FIELD" dialog is automatically displayed. However, if the user is only allowed one level of assurance, the "EDIT IN-PERSON FIELD" dialog will not be automatically displayed.



  2. Repeat the above steps to add multiple In-Person signature fields.

See the "In-Person Fields" table below for the fields description.

In-Person Fields



General Tab

Signer Name

Specify the In-Person signer name that will sign the document. The specified name will be shown in the below grid and under the In-Person signature field on the document.

Level of Assurance

This is a mandatory field to be selected in order to perform In-Person signatures. In case of an enterprise user, the levels of assurance will appear in the drop down list as configured in the user's user role.  In case of an individual user, the levels of assurance will appear in the drop down list as configured in the user's service plan. By default, the level of assurance will be set for an In-Person signature field as per the configured default level of assurance for an In-Person Signature under Personal Settings>Signature Settings

The terms for a levels of assurance are as per the eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms click here.The possible options for this field are:

  • Simple Electronic Signature (SES)
  • Electronic Seal (eSeal)
  • Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal)
  • Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal)

If the document owner tries to add a higher level of assurance, as a "Level of Assurance", in combination with "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)", the "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)" will be removed. Similarly, if the document owner tries to add "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)", as a "Level of Assurance", in combination with a higher level of assurance(s), the higher level of assurance(s) will be removed.

For a smoother workflow, while adding more multiple signature fields on the document, the system will simply use the level(s) of assurance of the last field for the latest one instead of asking for every signature field. You can always modify the level of assurance for each field manually.


This field will only appear when you are allowed (in your role) to add the invisible signatures on a document, and also allowed (in your service plan) to add witness digital signatures. When this field is available: 

  • Select the "Visible" option, if you require a visible witness in-person signature from the signer on this field. This signature will have a proper appearance on the document as configured in the signer's Signature Appearance settings.
  • Select the "Invisible" option,  if you require an invisible witness in-person signature from the signer on this field. An invisible signature entails all the characteristics of an electronic signature and is duly verifiable like a visible signature. However, it does not have any appearance on the document. When an in-person signature field is marked as invisible, an eye icon is placed on the field as shown with the red arrow:

  1. In case of "Simple Electronic Signature (SES)" is selected as the "Level of Assurance", the "Display" field will not appear.

Do not show this dialog automatically when a signature field is dropped

Select to automatically apply the "Level of Assurance" of the current In-Person signature field to the ones that you will drop afterwards.
This option is helpful when you need to drop several In-Person signature fields on the document without making an extra effort to manually set the same Level of Assurance for each of the In-Person signature fields separately. 

Details Tab

Field Name

An auto-generated (unique) field name which is used when In-Person signer signs this form field through the API calls. You can change the name as required, but make sure the uniqueness of a field name is not compromised i.e., two or more fields in a document cannot have the same field name. This field is only available when the status of a document is "Draft". 


Use this tab to relatively set the on-screen and PDF coordinates/ position (Left, Top, Width & Height) of this in-person signature field. However you can also manually move the field to the desired position in a document through drag and drop, and these coordinates will be updated accordingly. These coordinates are only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.

  1. You can only edit the on-screen dimensions but not the PDF dimensions.

Replicate In-Person Signature Tab

Replicate to Pages

Select the page number(s) (of the document) on which In-Person signature(s) are required from the signer/ meeting host. This will replicate the In-Person signature field on the selected page(s) and display their record in the below grid.

In-Persons grid

Grid to display the added In-Person fields for the signer/ meeting host. Select the unwanted In-Person fields and click  to remove them.

Delete an in-person signature field

In case you have mistakenly added an In-Person signature field or it is no more required, you can delete it with a single click. For this:

  1. Take the cursor to the In-Person signature field in the document to delete, and click  appearing on it. The field will be removed from the document.

Get the in-person signature

SigningHub also allows you to get an In-Person signature even during document preparation mode. Optionally when your configured In-Person signer is around you, and you want to get his signature in your presence, you can do so.  

  1. Take the cursor to the In-Person signature field assigned to you in the document, and click  appearing on it. 
    A dialog will appear to input the In-Person signature, only if this field is assigned to you and it is your signing turn in the workflow.
  2. Get the In-Person signature as required.
    Your In-Person signature field will be signed before sharing the document.

  1. A document signer/ meeting host can have multiple in-person signatures in a workflow document.
  2. Only those signing capacities will appear for in-person signing, which are having Electronic Seal (eSeal) as a level of assurance. 
  3. An in-person signature will be a witness digital signature, it is generated by using a witness certificate which is a public signing certificate available on the server for digital signing. 
  4. An invisible signature doesn't have any visible appearance on a document. However it entails all other verifiable characteristics of e-signing, i.e. Time Stamping, Certificate Chain, Certificate Status, etc. An invisible signature can be a Digital Signature, Witness Digital Signature, or Witness In-Person Signature as configured in a workflow.
  5. You can also add an in-person signature field on a previously signed document, if the document is not certified or locked.
  6. The document owner (and the shared space collaborator, if any) can update the level of assurance of an "In-Person Signature" field, while the status of the document is, "In-Progress" or "Pending".
    • In case of the document owner is an enterprise user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Enterprise Role.
    • In case of the document owner is an individual user, they can set any level of assurance as allowed in the Service Plan.
    • In the "EDIT IN-PERSON SIGNATURE FIELD" dialog, only the "Level of Assurance" field will be editable, the rest of the fields will be read-only.
    • The level of assurance of an In-Person signature field can not be updated if a read-only template has been applied.
    • Only the level of assurance of unprocessed fields can be updated.
    • Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was set to "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance.
    • Where previously, the level of assurance of an In-Person signature field was any other than "Simple Electronic Signature (SES), the system will not allow updating the level of assurance to "Simple Electronic Signature".

See Also