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Documents Listing

When you click the "Documents" option from your SigningHub dashboard, the "Documents" screen is appeared listing all your account documents. This list provides the basic set of information for each document(s) package, as red underlined in the following image, i.e.:

  • Bold records portray any of the following two interpretations, i.e. 
    • The document(s) package is either newly sent to you for collaboration, or
    • There is any change (i.e. signed/ updated/ reviewed/ annotated/ form filled by other recipient/ owner themself) in the document(s) package after you have collaborated in the workflow.

This boldness will be removed once these packages are reviewed.

  • Document(s) name(s) separated by commas.
  • Folder name where the document(s) package is placed.
  • Status of document(s) package.
  • Size of document(s) package.
  • Date on which document(s) package was modified, i.e. shared, form filled, signed, declined, etc.
  • The "To:" caption appears when the status of a document(s) package is "Draft", and shows all the recipients' names in the workflow. 
  • Click the blue dots menu  to view the workflow details i.e. full list of recipients along with their email address, role, collaboration sequence, and processing status (i.e. done, undone, or declined).

  • The "Next:" caption appears when the status of a document(s) package is "In Progress", and shows the name of the immediate next recipient in a workflow. Click the blue dots menu  to view the workflow details i.e. full list of recipients along with their email address, role, collaboration sequence, and processing status (i.e. done, undone, or declined).
  • The "From:" caption appears when the status of a document(s) package is either "Pending", "Signed", "Approved" or "Updated", and shows the document owner name.

Sort your documents list

By default your latest document(s) packages are displayed on the top. You can sort them on the basis of their name(s) and modified date. To sort your documents list:

Click  adjacent to the "document search" field and select the desired parameter (i.e. Date modified or document name) from the list. The system will sort your documents list accordingly. Clicking the parameter for the 1st time will sort the list in ascending order, while clicking the same parameter again will sort the list in descending order with respect to that parameter.

Status based filtration of your documents
By default all your account document(s) packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. You can filter them out on the basis of their statuses and custom folders.
Select a folder from the left menu and then status from the filter (available in the top left of grid) to view the respective list of documents. The adjacent count with each status filter shows your total number of documents in that status in that particular folder. It is important to note:

  • The documents with the 'Draft' status will have the "Prepare" button,
  • The documents with the 'Pending' status will have the "Sign" button,
  • While the documents with other statuses will have the "Open" button adjacent to their names.

Organise your documents in custom folders
By default all your document(s) packages are listed in the "Inbox" folder. However, you can create custom folders to organise them as required, see details how to move your document into a custom folder.

Move your documents in your shared spaces

Shared spaces work on the principle of delegating your document processing authority to a group of collaborators. A space owner may create a shared space and workflow documents in it so that these documents can be processed by any of the nominated collaborators on behalf of the space owner in their absence.

By default up to 15 document(s) packages are displayed in the main grid. However, if you want to access the documents that exist at the end of the list, just scroll down your documents list. The system will keep fetching the ending records accordingly. The system will also show the count of displayed and existing (total) documents at right side of the grid header.

See also

SigningHub at a Glance
SigningHub Vocabulary
How to Register

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