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Documents selection & opening

There are certain document operations in SigningHub which can be performed even without bothering to open a document. For this you need to simply select the document(s) from your documents list and perform your required operation (i.e. preview, download, delete, rename, print, recall, etc.). There are multiple ways to select or open a document, i.e.:

Documents Selection & Opening

Required activity

How to perform?

Open a document

  • Click the document name in the row, or
  • Double click the document row, or
  • Click the right side button

Select a single document

  • Upon hovering a document row a check box is shown on its left, tick it off or
  • Click the document row (check box will also be automatically ticked off)

Select multiple documents

  • Shift + click the document rows, or
  • Tick off the relevant check boxes

Select all documents

  • Tick off the check box available on the top left of grid header, or
  • Tick off each check box one by one

Selection based document options
Document operations that can be performed on a single document and on multiple documents collectively:

Document Options

When a single row is selected

When multiple rows are selected

Based on the status of a selected document, the following operations can be performed on a single row:

  • Package Details
  • Download
  • Remind
  • Bulk sign
  • Delete
  • Rename
  • Comment
  • Recall
  • Print
  • Start new workflow
  • Workflow history
  • Workflow evidence report
  • Move to

Based on the statuses of the selected documents, the following operations can be performed on multiple rows:

  • Download
  • Remind
  • Sign
  • Delete
  • Recall
  • Share
  • Move to

Actions which can't be performed on multiple documents will hence be hidden from Toolbar and More Actions, when multiple rows are selected.

Status based document buttons
Based on its current status, each document in the document listing is shown with a particular button that is available at the right side. This button can additionally be used to open the document for the required operation, i.e. signing, reviewing, editing, or preparation. 

Document Opening

Document status

Button name







When you select multiple documents and click the "Download" option, all the selected documents will be downloaded in a ZIP file. However, the documents that have been restricted from downloading because of their set permissions, will not be the part of the Zip file.

See also

Manage custom folders
Manage shared spaces
Toolbar options
More options
Search a document