Users may not always be available to sign their documents, to curb this situation, SigningHub provides the ability to document signers to delegate the signing of their documents to trusted people within the Enterprise for a defined period of time. This could be used for when the signer is on holiday or travelling. Alternatively, SigningHub also provides the ability to assign Gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are trusted people who can review documents before being sent to the signer for being signed. The gatekeepers can also decline the documents that should not be sent to the signer.

Delegate your signing authority 

SigningHub provides the Delegated Signing facility through which you can assign your signing authority to trusted people (your contacts) for a defined time period, so they may process the documents in your absence. If enabled, when a document is sent to you, a copy of the document will be automatically be forwarded to your delegated contact as well. SigningHub allows the signer to delegate their signing authority to multiple delegates at different defined time frames.

The delegated contact can then process (sign / review / edit) the document on your behalf by using their own private key. The signature field will show the name of the delegated signer, however, the signature verification dialog will show your (the actual signer's) name along with a "Delegated" caption.

Add your Delegate

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Delegate Signing" option from the left menu.

  1. Tick the "Allow someone else to sign on your behalf" check box to enable it.
  2. Click  from the grid header. The "Add Delegate" dialog will appear.

  1. Specify the contact to whom you want to delegate your signing authority. The contact can be specified by using their Name, Email ID, or National ID.
  2. Specify the exclusive time period by using the "From" and "To" fields during which this configuration is effective. 
    The Delegated Signing will be ineffective beyond the specified time period.
  3. Click the "Ok" button. Repeat the above steps to add multiple delegates.
  4. The delegate will be added in delegated settings list.
  5. Click on "Save" button from "Delegate Settings" screen.

Edit your Delegate

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Delegate Signing" option from the left menu.Your existing delegated signing authorities will be listed.
  4. Click the  adjacent to the delegate signing authority from the main grid. The "Edit Delegate" dialog will appear.
  5. Edit the informations as required.
  6. Click the "Ok" button."Edit Delegate" dialog will be closed
  7. Click on "Save" button from "Delegate Settings" screen.

Delete your Delegate

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Delegate Signing" option from the left menu.Your existing delegated signing authorities will be listed.
  4. Click the   adjacent to the delegate signing authority from the main grid.
  5. Click on "Save" button from "Delegate Settings" screen.

Delegate gatekeeper as your reviewing authority

SigningHub provides the gatekeeper facility through which you can assign your reviewing authority to trusted people (your contacts), so that they may filter documents for you. If enabled, the documents will be automatically forwarded to the gatekeepers before you are required to sign. 

The gatekeeper can then process (review / decline) the document on your behalf. The gatekeeper caption along with the signer name will be shown in the recipient's section. After a gatekeeper has approved a document, the documents shared with all the other gatekeepers will also be marked as approved, and the document will be forwarded to the original recipient(signer). After a gatekeeper has declined a document, the documents shared with all the other gatekeepers will also be marked as declined.

When you disable the gatekeeper feature or delete all the gatekeepers, all the pending documents will automatically be forwarded to the original recipient(signer). Upon adding another gatekeeper, all the pending documents will be shared with the new gatekeeper as well. Upon changing a gatekeeper, all the pending documents will be moved from the previous gatekeeper to the new one. A gatekeeper is also allowed to view and add document comments on the document. A gatekeeper can also add attachments to the document, based on the "Allow Attachments and Merging" set by the document owner for the original recipient.

  1. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  2. Click the "My Settings" option. 
  3. Click the "Delegate Settings" option from the left menu.  

  1. Tick the "Allow users to work as gatekeepers and review documents on your behalf" check box to enable it.
  2. Specify the contact to whom you want to assign as your gatekeeper. The contact can be specified by using their Name, Email ID, or National ID.

  1. Click the "OK" button. Repeat the above steps to add multiple gatekeepers.
  2. The gatekeeper will be added in delegated settings list.
  3. Click on "Save" button from "Delegate Settings" screen.

  1. If you are an enterprise user, then the availability of this option is subject to ​the "Delegated Settings" provision in your assigned role. Please contact your Enterprise Admin to enable it. 
  2. If you are a part of any enterprise, and looking to delegate your authority to a guest user, then you must have the "Restrict Delegated Signing to only registered users" option un-selected in your assigned role.
  3. A maximum of five delegates can be configured as signing authorities for different defined time frames.
  4. A maximum of five gatekeepers can be configured at a time.
  5. A user can be set as a gatekeeper for only one user. (Multiple users can not add the same person as their gatekeeper.) 
  6. The documents processed by the gatekeeper will stay with the gatekeeper, even after he has been removed as a gatekeeper.

See Also