August 2023

Improvements in this Release

  • Updated Third-Party Libraries (SHE-23920, SHE-39597)
    • The third-party libraries have been updated to the latest versions. 
  • "Get Packages" API (SHE-38539)
    • The "Get Packages" API has been updated and now has improved document status reporting capability.
  • OIDC Logout Functionality (SHE-39362)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to invoke the OIDC log-out URL when the user logs out of SigningHub. 
  • Logging of Enterprise User Details (SHE-39391)
    • SigningHub now logs the changes that occur when the details of enterprise users are updated via the API Using Client Credentials Token. 
  • Record Fetching Improvement (SHE-39393)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to prevent failures in record fetching, caused by missing HTTPS certificate(s) needed for the API request to the ADSS server.
  • Certificate Deletion by Core Thread (SHE-39475)
    • SigningHub core thread logic has been improved to allow the deletion of certificates that were marked as deleted.
  • Signature Field Duplication (SHE-39493)
    • SigningHub has been updated to prevent signature field duplication when trying to bulk sign multiple "Only Me" workflows, having different levels of assurance.
  • SMTP Server Connector (SHE-39637)
    • Emailing functionality has been improved in case of SMTP Server Connector.
  • Improved Error Handling (SHE-39649)
    • Error handling for the "Authentication" API has been improved.
  • Security Improvements (SHE-39365)
    • Security improvements have been made in this release.
  • Billing Improvements (SHE-39297, SHE-39523)
    • The billing logic to validate the payment expiry date has been improved.
    • The user experience has been improved for making payment for the Pay As You Go plans.
  • User Experience Improvements (SHE-39458, SHE-39666)
    • The user experience for the Single Profile Authentication Mechanism has been improved.
    • The user experience for the fetching the system settings on the SigningHub Admin has been improved.
  • User Interface Improvements (SHE-38876, SHE-39327, SHE-39405, SHE-39573)
    • The user interface of the document listing screen has been improved. It now supports enhanced documents sorting, and exporting of data in a .xlsx file.
    • The user interface of the recipients' status in the "Workflow" dialog has been improved.
    • The user interface of the "Set Access Security" dialog has been improved.
    • The user interface of the "New Workflow" screen has been improved for the Mobile Web, in case of an individual user.