July 2023

Improvements in this Release

  • Database Query Improvement (SHE-39015)
    • Database query has been improved to allow updating the Document Access Permission from the document listing screen.
  • License Validation for Electronic Seals (SHE-38821)
    • SigningHub’s logic has been improved to only allow the "Electronic Seals" feature in the service plan, if the "ELECTRONIC_SEALS" module is enabled in the license.
  • Switching Service Plans (SHE-39093)
    • SigningHub Web now validates the consumed stats of the users when switching service plans.
  • Document Search Result Retention (SHE-38572)
    • SigningHub now retains the results of a document where the user wants to navigate back to the document listing screen.
  • User Role Validation in APIs (SHE-38879)
    • SigningHub’s API has been improved to enable a collaborator user role to be validated.
  • Improved Error Handling (SHE-38686)
    • Error handling has been improved for SigningHub logs.
  • Supported Date Formats (SHE-38798)
    • SigningHub now displays the signing date in the supported formats.
  • "Initials" of Guest Users (SHE-38816)
    • SigningHub has been improved to handle guest users whose "Initials" only contain one character. 
  • Updated Third-Party Libraries (SHE-38135, SHE-38853)
    • The third-party libraries have been updated to the latest versions. 
  • Registration of a Deleted User (SHE-38918)
  • Users who have previously been deleted due to inactivity can now re-register with SigningHub.
  • Support for Non-ASCII Characters (SHE-38945)
    • SigningHub has been improved to support Non-ASCII characters while scanning QR codes for document verification on mobile devices. 
  • Performance Improvement (SHE-39060)
    • SigningHub's performance has been improved to reduce the time taken to sign documents.
  • "Get Workflow Details" API (SHE-39109)
    • The "Get Workflow Details" API is now supported with the user credentials token via user as scope.
  • Certificate Parsing (SHE-38629)
    • SigningHub’s logic has been improved to handle certificate parsing from the PDF Document Security Store.
  • Storage Stats Synchronisation (SHE-38286)
    • SigningHub storage stats have been synchronised across the application. 
  • Auto-Provisioning Improvement (SHE-38842)
    • SigningHub now validates the security groups for auto-provisioning via Active Directory.
  • "Get User Role" & "Get Signature Settings" APIs (SHE-39185)
    • The "Get User Role" API and the "Get Signature Settings" API are now supported with servers, other than ADSS, in case of V3.
  • "Get Packages" API (SHE-38538, SHE-38539, SHE-37876)
    • The "Get Packages" API has been updated and now has improved document status reporting capability.
    • Documentation for the "Get Packages" API has been updated in the SigningHub API Guide.
  • User Interface Improvements (SHE-38537, SHE-39059, SHE-38627)
    • The user interface has been improved for the "Electronic Seals" tab under the Enterprise Settings.
    • The T1C signing panel has been improved.
    • The user interface has been improved to only display the "Default Level of Assurance" field, if the "Signature" or the "In-Person Signature" field is allowed in a user's role settings.
  • User Experience Improvements (SHE-38522, SHE-38981, SHE-38649, SHE-38625, SHE-39054)
    • The user experience has been improved by restricting the system from connecting to GlobalSign and Google reCaptcha, while working offline.
    • The user experience has been improved to allow the participants to sign the documents from the shared space folders.
    • The user experience has been improved for opening the "Workflow Type" dialog, for individual users.
    • The user experience has been improved for viewing the service plan for an account from the "All Accounts" screen in SigningHub Admin.
    • The user experience for the Single Profile Authentication Mechanism has been improved.