October 2023

Improvements in this Release

  • Workflow Type Switching (SHE-38374)
    • SigningHub now removes all signature fields from a document when switched from a serial/parallel/custom workflow type to an individual workflow type.
  • Workflow History Improvement (SHE-39710)
    • SigningHub now displays the "Signature Authorisation" information under workflow history, in case of RAS signing.
  • QR Code Scanning Improvement (SHE-39786)
    • The code has been optimised to improve QR code scanning.
  • Moving of Folder Items from a Shared Space (SHE-39893)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to restrict the user from moving his folder item, after sharing it in a workspace owned by another user.
  • RAS Signing Request (SHE-40056)
    • SigningHub now displays the document name within the RAS signing request instead of displaying the package name.
  • Logging Improvement (SHE-40023)
    • Exception handling has been improved in the SigningHub logs; any unnecessary exceptions have been removed from the logs.
  • Database Query Optimization (SHE-40217, 40232, 40268)
    • Database query has been optimized:
      • for updating the user's email address from SigningHub Admin.
      • for using the advanced search to search a document based on the last modified date. 
      • for using the "Get User Electronic Seal Profiles" API.
  • Signature Logo Fall-back Approach (SHE-40250)
    • SigningHub now uses a fall-back approach to fetch the signature logo from the enterprise settings, and the SigningHub Admin, respectively.
  • Document Signing in Draft Mode (SHE-40415)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to restrict the user from signing an individual workflow-type document, in draft mode.
  • Meta Information Retention on SigningHub Mobile Web (SHE-40417)
    • Meta information retention has been improved for documents containing properties, on SigningHub Mobile Web.
  • IP Address for Activity Logging (SHE-40617)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to display the IP Address of the user's device instead of the IP Address of the Server.
  • Placement of the Signature Field (SHE-40608)
    • SigningHub logic has been improved to save the signature field on the document without any change in their position.
  • User Interface Improvement (SHE-40819)
    • The user interface of the Workflow Evidence Report PDF has been improved.
  • Security Improvements (SHE-40624)
    • Security improvements have been made in this release.