The service can be configured to generate email, SMS and/or SNMP alerts when the following events occur:

  • When non-issued certificate request received
  • An Internal error occurred (Reasons include database or space not available, etc.)
  • If the service is unable to use log signing key at auto-archiving time
  • When archiving is successfully completed

System users who will receive these alerts can be configured here as well:

The configuration items are as follows:



When non-issued certificate request received

When enabled, an alert is sent whenever a request is received for a certificate which is not issued by a CA.

Internal error occurred

When enabled, an alert is sent whenever an internal error has occurred during the request processing (e.g. database was not accessible).

Unable to use log signing Key at auto-archiving time 

When enabled, an alert is sent whenever system is unable to use the Log Signing Key at auto-archiving time..

Note: The Log Signing Key is configured in Global Settings module.

When archiving is performed 

When enabled, service will send an alert whenever auto-archiving is performed.

Select User

This drop-down enables the user to select who will receive the alerts. Once the user is selected, its details, including user ID, name, email address, role, and status, will be displayed in a tabular format. 

Click Save button for the changes to take effect.

See also

Support for Multiple Trust Models

Multiple CA and Unique Certificate Validation Policies
Configuring the OCSP Service

General Policy Settings
Forwarding Modes
Access Control
Transactions Logs
Logs Archiving
Advanced Settings
Optimising ADSS OCSP Server Performance
Operating OCSP Service in FIPS 201 Compliant Mode

OCSP Service Interface URLs