View workflow history

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SigningHub maintains a log of each action being performed on a document along with the respective date and time stamps. These logs are available to the respective Document Owner only. However, viewing workflow history is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings.

The following document actions are logged:

View workflow history of a document

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. From your documents list, locate and select the document for which you want to see the workflow history.

  3. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Workflow History" option.
    A dialog will appear as shown below. Each log item is provided with the respective "Details" link.

  4. Click the "Details" link to view the details of respective log item. Each document revision is downloadable with subject to your storage configuration settings.

Based on how your Service Plan is configured, system will either retain or delete the document logs in the Workflow History dialog when the workflow is marked "Completed" and the Workflow Evidence Report is successfully generated. In case, the Service Plan is configured to delete the document logs, then the detailed document logs will then only be available in the downloaded PDF of Workflow Evidence Report under the "Audit Trail" section. Contact your SigningHub Admin in case of any assistance. 

​The following will not become part of the details log under the "Workflow History" dialog:

  • Preview of email notification sent to document owner
  • Preview of signature image