Manage shared spaces

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Shared space is a special kind of folder through which you can delegate your document processing authority to a group of users. After creating a shared space, specify the users with whom you want to share your authority and move your documents (which you own, i.e. Draft, In Progress, Declined and Completed) from any folder in it. The specified users may then fully collaborate in all the shared space documents on behalf of the Space Owner, and are therefore termed as Collaborators of a shared space.


A collaborator can be:

A shared space also exhibits the concept of team working environment, where the peers may enjoy the same set of privileges inside a space and process the team documents accordingly. 

The availability of managing (Creating, Editing, or Deleting) shared spaces is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings. However for a collaborator, this provision in enterprise role is not necessarily required. They can still very well collaborate in a shared space, but cannot create their own shared space.

Privileges available to a Shared Space Owner

Privileges available to a Shared Space Collaborator


View your shared spaces
You can view the list of shared spaces which are related to you, i.e. the shared spaces in which you have been added as a collaborator and the shared spaces which you have created. The shared spaces can be identified on the basis of their icons:

Shared Spaces Distinction



This icon implies that you are space owner, and hence can edit and delete this space. You can also process the documents inside this shared space as required.

This icon implies that you are a collaborator of this space. You can only process the documents inside this shared space, but cannot edit or delete this space.

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. Your shared spaces will be listed in the left menu under the "Shared Spaces" caption. Click any shared spaces to view its documents. The documents list will have all the basic set of information as explained in Documents listing.


Create a new shared space 

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. Click  from the left menu available under the "Shared Spaces" caption. 
    The "New Shared Space" dialog will appear.

  3. Specify the shared space name. Now specify the name and email ID of collaborator with whom you want to share this space. Use  to add more collaborators, and  to remove any collaborator from the list.

  4. Click "Share Space". 
    A new shared space will be created and shown under the "Shared Spaces" list.
    All the specified collaborators will be notified through email by SigningHub.

Edit your shared space 

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. Go to the personal shared space to edit, click the three dots menu  and select the "Edit" option.
    The "Edit Shared Space" dialog will appear.

  3. Update the shared space name or collaborators list as required.
  4. Click "Share Space". 

Delete your shared space 

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. Go to the personal folder to delete, click the three dots menu  and select the "Delete" option.

  3. A confirmation message will appear. Click Yes.
    You can only delete those shared spaces which you own, and are empty. 

​A user may only move those documents in a shared space which they own, i.e. the documents with the following statuses:

  • Draft
  • In Progress
  • Declined and 
  • Completed