SigningHub lets you configure certain recipient related permissions in a workflow. In this regard, you can separately set permissions for document printing access, downloading access, adding text fields, adding document attachments and merging provision, changing recipient/ placeholder privileges, and/ or configure legal notice for each recipient.

System might show some pre-selected permissions as laid out in your default enterprise settings, see details. You may change the default behavior as required before sharing. See the following table for details:

Recipient Permissions



Allow Print

Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to print the shared document(s).

Allow Download

Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to download the shared document(s).

Allow Adding Text

Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to add text fields in the shared document(s) during the workflow. The added text will become permanent part of the PDF document.

Allow Attachments and Merging

Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to fully manage (download, add, and remove) document attachments, and also merge other PDF documents with the shared document(s) during the workflow.
If you keep this check box un-ticked, the recipient/ placeholder can only view and download the document attachments, but will not be able to add their own or remove the existing ones. 

Allow Changing of Recipients

Use this option to enable this recipient/ placeholder to replace themself (i.e. Delegate other user) or change other configured recipients/ placeholders during the workflow. A recipient must have this permission in order to update the placeholders with the actual recipients.

Note: For a document owner who is a part of any enterprise, and looking to permit their recipient to replace themself (i.e. Delegate other user) or change other configured recipients/ placeholders with even a guest user, must have the "Restrict Delegated Signing to only registered users" option un-selected in their assigned role. 

Legal Notice

Use this option to set a legal notice for this recipient/ placeholder to agree before signing the shared document(s). Your personal (and enterprise in case of an enterprise user) legal notices will be listed for selection. Use  to preview the selected legal notice.

Set recipient permissions

After you have:

  1. Click  against the recipient/ placeholder, for whom you want to set permissions.

  2. A dialog will appear, select the check boxes as required. See the "Recipient Permissions" table for details.

  3. Click the "Save" button.

See Also