Create a New Service Plan

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To create a new Service Plan:

  1. Choose the "Service Plans" option from the left menu. The "Service Plans" screen will appear.
  2. Click on the add icon  in the grid header.

  3. A dialog wizard (consisting of 6 sequential screens, i.e. Basic Information, Constraints, Documents, Signatures, Settings and Billing) will appear which you will use to configure the service plan details. The availability of "Billing" dialog box is based on your license, if you are unable to find it, contact support for assistance.
  4. Enter the required details in each screen accordingly and click the "Next" button. Click the "Finish" button in the last dialog box (i.e. Billing). A new service plan will be created and displayed in the list.  See the following table for the description of the fields.

The following sections separately explain the "Basic Information", "Constraints", "Signatures", "Settings" and "Billing" tabs on the Add Service Plan dialog. 

Basic Information

The following image illustrates the default view of the "Basic Information" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Basic Information" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Basic Information tab




Specify a unique name for this service plan, e.g. My Service Plan.


Select whether this service plan is for "Individual" or "Enterprise" based subscriptions. An individual subscription is acquired by an individual entity, while an enterprise subscription can be acquired by an organization or any group of people (team).   


Select the SigningHub services/ features to include in this service plan, i.e. Attachments, Bulk Signing, Form Fields, Initials, In-person Signing, Workflow Completion Report, Reviewers, Integrations, and Cloud Drives. Consult SigningHub Web Help for the relevant descriptions of these features.


Select this check box to make this service plan available for public access or keep it deselected to make it a private service plan. The public service plans are created for cloud based deployments, while private service plans are created for on-premises deployments.


Click to move to the "Constraints" tab.


The following image illustrates the default view of the "Constraints" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Constraints" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Constraints tab




Specify the number of signatures allowed for this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited number of signatures for the subscribers.

Storage (MB)

Specify the document storage limit (in MBs) allowed for this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited document storage capacity for the subscribers.    


Specify the number of workflows allowed in this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited number of workflows for the subscribers. 

Document Upload Size (MB)

Specify the document upload limit (in MBs) allowed in this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited document uploading size for the subscribers. However, in case the "Unlimited" check box is selected, the upload size of the document can be set from the server configuration file.


Specify the number of document templates allowed in this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited number of document templates for the subscribers. 


Specify the number of enterprise users for an enterprise account, allowed in this service plan. Or select the adjacent "Unlimited" check box to remove this constraint and allow unlimited number of enterprise users for the subscribers. This field will be visible when the type of service plan is "Enterprise". 


Click to move to the "Signatures" tab.


The following image illustrates the default view of the "Documents" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Documents" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Documents tab



Level of Assurance

Select the levels of assurance which you want your certification profile to feature, while producing a signing key for a user. These Level of Assurance terms are as per the eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms click here. Possible values are:

  • Electronic Signature
  • Electronic Seal (eSeal)
  • Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal)
  • Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal)
  • Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)
  • High Trust Advanced Signature (AATL)
  • Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

Only the Levels of Assurance selected in the Service Plan will be available for the Individual Users (My Settings > Signatures) and Enterprise Users (Enterprise Roles > Document Settings).

Enable PDF/A Compliancy

Select to enable PDF/A compliancy for all the documents that are uploaded to SigningHub. In this case, SigningHub implements the following rules for any uploaded documents:

  • A non-PDF document (like image or text file) will be converted to PDF document with PDF/A-2a compliance. 
  • A PDF document with no PDF/A conformance will be upgraded to conform with PDF/A-2a compliance.  
  • A signed PDF document with no conformance to PDF/A compliance will display the following error.

​​In order to ensure if signature string size conforms to PDF/A compliance, see how to configure the Signing Profiles above.

Keep the check box empty to disable PDF/A compliancy for the documents uploaded to SigningHub. In this case, SigningHub implements the following rules for any uploaded documents:

  • A non-PDF document (like text or image file) will be converted to a PDF document with no conformance.
  • No changes will be made to a PDF document with no PDF/A conformance.
  • A signed PDF document with no conformance to PDF/A compliance will not display any non-compliancy error.

​Whether the Service Plan has the PDF/A Compliancy enabled or not, if the uploaded documents are PDF/A compliant, their conformance level will remain intact.

Enable Auto-deletion of un-used documents

Select this check box to enable the auto deletion utility for unused documents. SigningHub will automatically delete unused documents of a user from their SigningHub account.

The unused documents refer to those Draft/ Updated/ Approved/ Signed/ Declined/ Completed documents that have not been accessed over a certain time period by their document owners. Any action that is d\performed on a document that warrants a log activity will reset the document deletion counter (days). The In Progress and Pending documents do not come under the unused documents category and hence they will not be deleted through the auto deletion utility.

When this option is enabled, the following fields will appear:

  • The "Delete documents which are unused for (days)" field to specify the number of days after which SigningHub should delete an unused document.   
  • Select the "When deleting a document, notify user before (days)" check box to send a notification email to the respective document owner before deleting their unused documents. A field will appear to specify number of days, SigningHub should send this notification before deleting such documents. 
    Keep this check box deselected, if you don't want to notify document owners before deleting their unused documents.
  • Select the "Email the deleted document as attachment" check box, if you require SigningHub to send the deleted documents as attachments to document owners in their notification emails. The sending of document as email attachment will depend on its size as configured in the Bulk Actions settings.


The following image illustrates the default view of the "Signatures" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

  1. You can configure multiple signing servers under service plan for Server or Client Held Keys, at least one signing server must be configured under a service plan to perform signing.
  2. You can click on the add icon  to add a signing server.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Signatures" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Signatures tab



Keys Location

Select "Server Held Keys" for server side signing and "Client Held Keys' if the signing server to be configured to perform client side signing. On selection of either option only the related signing servers will be shown in the list.

Signing Profile

Select a signing profile for this service plan. Only the active signing profiles are listed for selection. Signing profiles list appears on the basis of Keys Location selection, if server held keys option is selected then only the server side signing related signing profiles will appear and for client held keys only those signing profiles will appear for which at least client side signing is configured.
The selected profile will be used to create a document signature on SigningHub Desktop Web. Click the eye icon  to view the details of the selected profile. Signing profiles are managed through the signing profiles section. See details.

Level of Assurances

Select the level of assurance which you want your certification profile to feature, while producing a signing key for a user. These level of assurance terms are as per the eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms click here. Possible values are:

  • Electronic Seal (eSeal)
  • Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal)
  • Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal)
  • Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)
  • High Trust Advanced Signature (AATL)
  • Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

Upon selection of Electronic Seal (eSeal), Advanced Electronic Seal (AdESeal) and Qualified Electronic Seal (QESeal), the feature will enable the end-users to add their in-person and e-signatures in the documents as witness digital signatures by using the specified witness signing certificate.

You can also select multiple signing capacities to allow an enterprise user to add in-person and e-signatures in different positions/capacities within their organisation. These selected signing capacities will be available in the "Signature Settings" tab of an enterprise role.

One of the level of assurances can be set as default under enterprise role.

Advanced Electronic Signature (AES), High Trust Advanced (AATL) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES),  are fully supported in SigningHub. These level of assurances provide the highest level of trust and assurance because these use unique signing keys for every signer. This directly links the user’s identity to the signed document such that anyone can verify it on their own using an industry standard PDF reader.

Furthermore, as the signer has sole control of their unique private signing key this ensures non-repudiation, i.e. even the service provider cannot be held responsible for creating the signature. SigningHub complies with eIDAS regulations for AES and QES using locally held credentials, such as a National eID card, or importantly remote signing where the user’s key is held securely, server-side. Remote signing has many benefits including the ability to sign from any machine without use of specialist devices like smartcards, hardware tokens and readers.

The advantage of using AES/QES is that they show exactly who signed the document.

QES are more trusted version of AES because they require the highest levels of security for the protection of the user’s signing key and also a formal registration process for the user to verify their identity by a qualified Certificate Authority. From a legal perspective QES can be considered even stronger than handwritten signatures as the burden of proof shifts to the signer to prove that they did not sign.

Signing Capacities

Select one or more Signing Capacities for the respective Level of Assurance.

  • This field is hidden by default and, upon selecting a Level of Assurance, it is displayed under the selected Level of Assurance. The following image illustrates the field behaviour.

  • The menu options display only those Signing Capacities that have the respective Level of Assurance configured with it. For example all Signing Capacities that have "Advanced Electronic Seal" as a Level of assurance will be shown under Advanced Electronic Seal (AdeSeal).

The selected Signing Capacities will be used to generate the certified asymmetric key pairs for server side signing. You can also select multiple Signing Capacities to allow an Enterprise User to sign in different positions/capacities within their organisation. The Signing Capacities selected here will be available under the "Signature Settings" tab of an Enterprise Role. 

Push Certificates to CSP

Select this option to enable the CSP provisioning, which allows SigningHub to automatically register the users and push their certificates in the ADSS CSP Service, when they sign a document.

ADSS CSP Service provides the capability to manage users and sign data while acting as a bridge between SigningHub and the Signing Service. It provides the required API interface for SigningHub to register and manage users, send signing requests, push user certificates, check status of signing requests and get the signatures (i.e. PKCS#1 signature). See details.

To use this feature, select the "Push newly created certificates to ADSS CSP" option. Select a CSP profile from the "Virtual ID Profile" drop-down list. This profile is used to manage users, certificates and their signing operations in the ADSS CSP Service. Only the active CSP profiles are listed for selection. Click the eye icon  to view the details of the selected profile. The CSP profiles are managed through the Virtual ID Profiles section; see details.

If you want SigningHub to delete a user including all associated certificates from ADSS CSP then select the "Automatically delete certificates and users from CSP when user is removed" option, when a user is deleted either through SigningHub Admin or Enterprise Admin.

If only Electronic Seal (eSeal) is selected under Signing Server, then Push Certificates to CSP option will not appear.

Verification Profile

Select a verification profile for this service plan. The selected profile will be used to verify document signatures. Click the eye icon  to view the details of the selected profile. Verification profiles are managed through the verification profiles section; see details.


Click to move to the "Settings" tab.

When adding a Signing Server for CSC, there is no signing capacities or level of assurance related information appears.
When adding a Signing Server for Client Held Keys using either ADSS or CSC, there will be no further options appears.


The following image illustrates the default view of the "Settings" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Settings" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Settings tab



Password should be provided at time of user registration

When selected: 

  • It will allow SigningHub ID based authentication only (i.e., SigningHub ID & password) and a password must be set at the time of registration. 
  • It will add a couple of additional password related settings i.e. "User must change password at next login" and "Enable Password Expiry Duration" under the Enterprise Password Strength Policy; see details.

​Make sure the configured Password Policy inside the ADSS CSP profile and the defined Password Policy of Enterprise in SigningHub are the same, when using the CSP provisioning functionality. 

When deselected:

  • It is not required to set a user password at the time of registration. A user can be auto-activated while registering via authentication methods other than SigningHub ID (i.e. Active Directory, Salesforce, Google, Office 365, Linked-in, OTP, itsme, etc.).

Authentication Profiles

This field will load private authentication profiles, which are specifically used for corporate logins.
Select the required authentication profile(s) for this service plan, to allow multiple modes of authentication to the corporate users. The selected profile(s) (from here) will be available to the Enterprise Admins in SigningHub Desktop Web, under the "Authentication" tab of Enterprise Roles. An Enterprise Admin can then configure these profiles with their enterprise users roles to facilitate corporate logins for their enterprise. 

In case of selecting multiple profiles, the "Default Authentication Profile" field will appear below the (selected) private authentication profiles list. Choose an authentication profile that could be shown as the default authentication method to the Enterprise Admins, under the "Authentication" tab of Enterprise Roles.

Workflow Evidence Recording

Select the process evidence information level for this service plan, i.e. "Basic" or "Detailed with Workflow Evidence Report". 
The "Basic" level lets the SigningHub web user to view limited reporting information, i.e. Document Logs and Activity Logs only. However, the "Detailed with Workflow Evidence Report" level allows the SigningHub user to view every bit and byte of the workflow process in the form of a detailed Workflow Evidence Report, in addition to viewing the normal Document Logs and Activity Logs.

In case you select "Detailed with Workflow Evidence Report", the option to delete document logs on generation of Workflow Evidence Report is displayed. 
Delete Document logs on generation of Workflow Evidence Report
As the field label says, on selecting the check box, system will delete the document logs from the Workflow History dialog when the workflow is marked "Completed" and the Workflow Evidence Report is successfully generated. These detailed document logs will then only be available in the downloaded PDF of Workflow Evidence Report under the "Audit Trail" section. 

The following will not become part of the details log under the "Workflow History" dialog:

  • Preview of email notification sent to document owner
  • Preview of signature image

Enable SMS OTP

Select this check box to enable OTP via SMS for server-side signing in this service plan.
OTP is a security system that requires a new password every time a user authentication occurs, thus protecting users from any intruders replaying an intercepted password.

When SMS OTP is enabled, the following fields will appear:

  • The "SMS Gateway" field to select an SMS gateway for sending SMS OTP from the SigningHub Desktop Web to the users' mobile phones. Only the active SMS gateways are listed for selection. Click the eye icon  to view the details of the selected gateway. SMS gateways are managed through the connectors section, see the ClickatellTwilio, or SMS connectors.
  • Specify the OTP length (total number of OTP digits required) and the OTP Retry Interval (in case of failure) in the respective fields.

Enable SMTP Server

Select this check box to enable SMTP server for this service plan. 
SMTP server provides the email gateway service to the SigningHub Desktop Web. If this option is not enabled then the default SMTP server will be used to send the email notifications.   

When enabled, the "SMTP Server" field will appear from where you can select an SMTP server for sending-off the email notifications from the SigningHub Desktop Web. All the active/inactive SMTP Servers are available here for selection. However when you select an inactive SMTP Server, then the default SMTP server will be used as a fallback approach.
Click the eye icon  to view the details of the selected server. The email gateways are managed through the connectors section; see details. Important points to note:

  • If emails are to be sent on behalf of a document owner, then the SMTP server configured in the document owner's service plan will be used.
  • If emails are to be sent on behalf of a recipient, then the SMTP server configured in the recipient's service plan will be used. However, if the recipient is not a registered user (i.e. Guest user) then the SMTP server configured in the document owner's service plan will be used.
  • If the email notifications are related to system health, license expiry and other parts of the system, then the default SMTP server will be used.
  • If the selected SMTP server is down or inactive, then the default SMTP server will be used as a fallback gateway to send-off all types of email notifications.

Enable auto deletion of inactive users

Select this check box to enable the auto deletion utility for inactive users. SigningHub will automatically delete the inactive users (belonging to this service plan) along with their respective information (i.e., activity logs, documents and associated data, enterprise and all associated data etc.) from the system. The inactive users are those who have not performed any activity in SigningHub over a certain (definable) number of days. 
When this option is enabled, the following fields will appear:

  • The "Delete users which are inactive for (days)" field to specify the number of days after which SigningHub should auto delete an inactive user. This is the time-period during which the user didnt perform any activity in SigningHub. 
  • Tick the "When deleting a user, notify the user before (days)" check box to send a notification email to the respective user prior to deleting their details. A field will appear to specify number of days, SigningHub should send this notification before deleting such users. 
    Keep this check box deselected, if you don't want to notify the users before deleting their details.

SigningHub auto deletes inactive guest users from the system after 60 days, without sending them notification emails, irrespective of their service plan.


Click to move to the "Billings" tab.


The following image illustrates the default view of the "Billing" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

The following table illustrates the fields and definitions of the "Billing" tab on the Add Service Plan dialog.

Billing tab



Billing Mode

Select a billing mode for this service plan, i.e. "Online", "Offline", "None" or "Trial".

  • "Online" billing implies that payment is to be made through a payment gateway (i.e., Worldpay or Stripe) as configured in Billing settings. This mode is recommended for public service plans. The quota (i.e., signatures and workflows) is reset when the recurrent payment is made on the billing date.
  • "Offline" billing implies that payment is to be added manually in the system through SigningHub Admin. This mode is recommended for custom/private service plans, and is also useful in the cases where online payments may fail due to any technical reason. In this case, once the manual payment has been made, the quota (i.e., signatures and workflows) will reset as usual when the recurrent payment is made on the billing date.
  • "None" implies that the billing is not enabled. The accounts related to this service plan will be free of charge and will never expire. They can consume the allowed number of signatures and workflows. This option is usually selected for the on-premises deployments of SigningHub. You can reset the quota (i.e., signatures and workflows) manually from the Accounts page using the Reset User Statistics option.
  • "Trial" implies that this service plan is for trial/ testing purpose. The accounts related to this service plan will be free of charge. It further provides an option to configure two different settings including;
    • Select the "Auto Reset" check box to reset the allowed number of signatures and workflows on monthly basis. This way the users related to this service plan can continue using their SigningHub accounts as they will get a fresh quota (i.e., signatures and workflows) on the beginning of every month.
    • Keep the "Auto Reset" check box deselected to halt the SigningHub services after the allowed number of signatures and workflows have been consumed. This way the users related to this Service Plan will have to buy a Service Plan to continue using their SigningHub accounts. As they can login to their accounts, but will not get a free quota of signatures and workflows each month.

Payment Type

For Online and Offline billing modes, the payment type can either be "Pay Regularly" or "Pay As You Go". 

  • The "Pay Regularly" payment type is recommended, when payment is to be made on a regular basis (monthly/ annually) against a continuous service plan.
  • The "Pay As You Go" payment type is recommended, when payment is to be made after consuming the allowed signature pack.


For the "Pay Regularly" payment type, specify the monthly and/or yearly price in the default currency, as set in the Billing configurations. 

  • The monthly payment will be made automatically on the 31st day from the subscription date and the signature pack of the subscribers will be reset.
  • Similarly, the yearly payment will be made automatically on the 366th day from the subscription date and the signature pack will be reset accordingly. Special discounts can also be offered on annual payments.

Price (EUR)

For the "Pay As You Go" payment type, specify signature pack price in the default currency, as set in the Billing configurations. Once the signature pack is consumed, the payment will be made automatically.


Click to save the information entered on the Add Service Plan dialog and create a new Service Plan accordingly.

Signature Field in the Default Welcome Document for test signing:

When a new user subscribes to a service plan, they will see a welcome document in their inbox for test signing. The signature field inside the welcome document will have eSeal as a level of assurance and will produce witness digital signature.


Let's take an example of a fictitious smartphone manufacturing company, named "The Phones Corporation", for which we need to create a service plan. The following image illustrates the example entries on the "Basic Information" tab.

In the "Constraints" tab, "The Phones Corporation" is allowed unlimited access to the SigningHub features as shown in the image below.

In the "Documents" tab, a set of Levels of Assurance has been selected that we need the Enterprises to have. In addition, PDF/A Compliancy has also been enabled.

In the "Signatures" tab,  "Default Signing Profile" is used and configured for server side signing along with Electronic Seal Demo (eSeal), Advanced Electronic Seal Demo (AdESeal), Qualified Electronic Seal Demo (QESeal), Advanced Electronic Signature Demo (AES), High Trust Advanced Signature Demo (AATL), and Qualified Electronic Signature Demo (QES) level of assurances and their respective signing capacities. In addition, we will select the signature appearances and default verification profile for this service plan. The following image illustrates this configuration.

In the "Settings" tab, the Service Plan uses the username/password based authentication profile, advanced Workflow Evidence recording, and SMS OTP.

We know that this use case of a fictitious company, "The Phones Corporation" will be used for demo purposes; therefore, in the "BIlling" tab the billing is set to "None". The billing preferences of your service plan will be subject to your needs. 

The Service Plan for The Phones Corporation has been created and displayed in the list as shown in the image below.