Create a New Authentication Profile

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Authentication profiles provide the ways through which the end users may authenticate themselves to SigningHub Desktop Web. In addition to the conventional email/ password based authentication, SigningHub also allows the authentication facility through different external Identity Providers (IdP) i.e. BankID, Active Directory, Google, Linked-in, Salesforce, SSL Client, Office 365, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), IDfy, Freja eID, Azure Active Directory, itsme, etc.

Based on the business requirements, you can manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) different authentication profiles to offer multiple modes of authentication to your end users.

Create a new authentication profile

  1. Create a new authentication connector (i.e. Office 365 authentication, Active Directory authentication, Salesforce authentication, IDfy authentication, itsme, etc.), whose authentication profile is required to create.
  2. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  3. Click the "Authentication Profiles" option.
    The "Authentication Profiles" screen will appear.
  4. Click  from the grid header.

  5. A dialog will appear to configure the authentication profile details. Specify the details accordingly and click the "Save" button. A new authentication profile will be saved and displayed in the list. See the below table for fields description.
  6. Repeat the steps 1-6 to create other authentication profiles against each authentication method as required.

Authentication Profile




Specify a unique name for this authentication profile, i.e. My SigningHub Authentication. This name will be displayed at the login screen of SigningHub Desktop Web.


Specify any description related to this authentication profile for your record.   


Select the authentication method (i.e. Email/ Password Authentication, Mobile Authentication, Active Directory Authentication, Google, Salesforce Authentication, IDfy Authentication, itsme, etc.) for this profile.


This field will appear to select the related connector, when you select any third-party authentication method above. Click  to view the details of the selected connector. See details as how to create a new connector

The "Email/ Password Authentication" and "SSL Client Authentication" methods don't require any third-party authentication method, and therefore the "Connector" field is not shown for them.


In case you select the "Active Directory Authentication" method, the "Details" fields will appear in addition to the "Connector" field to specify the "Fully Qualified Domain Name" and "Allowed Groups" information. 

The "Fully Qualified Domain Name" field refers to the complete domain name that has been configured by your IT Administrator and consists of all the domain users, i.e. 

The "Allowed Groups" field refers to the (comma separated) authorised security groups in your Active Directory (i.e. Sales, Marketing, Accounts, etc.) that are used for provisioning in SigningHub, see details.
If the "Allowed Groups" field is left blank, then all the domain users would be able to authenticate by using this authentication profile.


Tick this check box to make this authentication profile active. Only the active profiles are available to the end users on their Login screen and Integration screen of SigningHub Desktop Web for authentication.


Tick this check box to mark this authentication profile as private. A private profile will not be available to the (public) end users on their Login screen and Integration screen of SigningHub Desktop Web.
Private profiles from here will be available in the "Settings" tab of service plan configuration, and are specifically used for the corporate logins on SigningHub Desktop Web.

You can associate any supported external Identity Provider (i.e. BankID, Active Directory, Google, etc.) as required with a private authentication profile to make it exclusive for a corporate. 

Validate client certificate

This check box will only appear when you select the "SSL Client Authentication" method. Tick it if you want SigningHub to validate the users' certificates every time they use them for authentication. In this way, the users with expired or revoked certificates will not be able to log into SigningHub Desktop Web.

Required password authentication

This check box will only appear when you select the "SSL Client Authentication" method. Tick it if you want SigningHub to ask for SigningHub ID password as well from a user, when they choose their SSL certificate (from the list) for system login. This will work as two-factor authentication, where users will have to first select their certificate and then provide their SigningHub ID password to log into SigningHub Desktop Web.

In case a user does not have their SigningHub password, they will be asked to activate their account to set a SigningHub password by following the activation email steps.