The following two methods could be used to perform a regular release installation of SigningHub:

Regular Release Installation via SigningHub Installer

Follow these instructions to install SigningHub's regular release. Before starting the installation make sure that you have taken a backup of the SigningHub database and have stopped the IIS Server.

Launch the installer by right-clicking the file name [SigningHub Regular Release Installation Directory]/setup/install.bat and select Run as administrator. Follow the installation wizard as described below:

The Welcome screen will appear:

From the System Requirements screen, once all the requirements have been verified, click the Next button:

The Installation Type screen will appear, select the option shown below:

Click the Next button to show the License Agreement: 

Click the I Agree button to proceed to the Read Me:

Click the Next button to provide the existing SigningHub directory addresses: 

Click the Browse button against the existing SigningHub installation directory, and the backup SigningHub directory, to browse to the addresses for the respective directories:

(By default, when the existing SigningHub installation directory address is selected, the installer will automatically create a backup SigningHub folder and select it as backup directory. However, if the user wants to change the backup directory, they can click "Browse" and manually select the backup directory.)

  1. Please ensure read/write permissions to the selected backup directory.

After selecting the directory addresses, click on the Next button to proceed:

Click the "Yes" button to confirm that you have taken a backup of the database and have stopped the IIS before proceeding with the installation:

Click the Finish button to complete the installation process. Your IIS Server will now be restarted.

  1. In case the installation fails, SigningHub will be reverted back to its existing version.
  2. Only the "runtime" tag with in your existing web.config file will be auto replaced with the "runtime" tag in your regular release's web.config file, if there is any new change in the "runtime" tag.

Regular Release Installation via XML

Silent installation via XML refers to a method of installing SigningHub silently or without user interaction using an XML file as a configuration or parameter file. In this approach, the installer reads instructions from an XML file to perform the installation without requiring any user input. Given below is a list of parameters to be configured for carrying out a regular release installation via XML. Click here, for a detailed breakdown of each component in the XML file, indicating its purpose, and visibility settings for a silent installation scenario.

  • Welcome
  • Installation Type (The mode of installation should be set to "APPLY_RELEASE")
  • License Agreement 
  • Read Me
  • Regular Release Installation
  • Installation Progress

  1. For a silent installation via XML, set the visibility for all tags to 'false'.

See also