The following two methods could be used to perform an installation of SigningHub with an existing database:

Installation with Existing Database via SigingHub Installer

Follow these instructions to install SigningHub Enterprise with an existing database.

Launch the installer by right-clicking the file name [SigningHub Installation Directory]/setup/install.bat and select Run as administrator.

Click Next on the Welcome screen:

From the System Requirements screen, once all the requirements have been verified, click the Next button:

The Installation Type screen will appear, select the option shown below:

Click the Next button to show the License Agreement.

Click the I Agree button to proceed. 

The following screen to prompt for database details is displayed:

Note: Username and Password must not contain the following characters: [] () , ; ? * ! @ =. These characters are used to either initialize a connection or separate connection values.

The information displayed above is an example and you should configure the relevant settings for your own environment.

The SigningHub Enterprise database schema and the version required by the installer must be the same.

If the current SigningHub Enterprise database schema is older than the version required by the installer, and you click Next, the installer will prompt you that SigningHub Enterprise database schema will be upgraded to the latest version. Click OK to authorize the schema update.

Click the Next button to select specific modules:

Select the appropriate modules to install the required features. 

Click the Next button to show the summary and complete the installation:

This screen shows the installation summary by listing the different product modules that will be installed. 

 (If you think any listed item is incorrect then use the Back button (arrow towards the top-left of the dialogue box) to correct your choices before proceeding ahead.)

Click the Next button to continue with the installation.

Click the Finish button to complete the installation process.

Installation with Existing Database via XML

Silent installation via XML refers to a method of installing SigningHub silently or without user interaction using an XML file as a configuration or parameter file. In this approach, the installer reads instructions from an XML file to perform the installation without requiring any user input. Given below is a list of parameters to be configured for carrying out an installation with existing database via XML. Click here, for a detailed breakdown of each component in the XML file, indicating its purpose, and visibility settings for a silent installation scenario.

  • Welcome
  • System Requirements
  • Installation Type (The mode of installation should be set to "EXISTING_DATABASE")
  • License Agreement 
  • Database Configurations
  • SigningHub Modules Selection
  • Installation Progress

  1. For a silent installation via XML, set the visibility for all tags to 'false'.

See also