The "SigningHub Documents" section is a centralized location to list all your shared documents packages (i.e. shared and received) along with their recent status. Here you can enjoy document owner view here, and can see the packages which you have sent or have been sent to you for processing, through any of the supported Salesforce entities (i.e. Opportunities, Contracts, Leads, Accounts, etc.). 

To view these shared documents, you dont necessarily need to have the Salesforce entity viewing privileges to which they belong. View, delete your packages and sign the "Pending" ones as required, without any rights restriction.

View/ sign your Salesforce documents

  1. Log into your Salesforce account.
  2. Click the App Launcher icon and select "View All"

  1. The App Launcher will display, select "SigningHub Documents"

  1. The "SigningHub Documents Status Summary" page will display, listing all your shared and received documents along with their respective information. See the below table for columns description. When there are multiple documents in a shared package, the files will be separated by commas.
  2. Click on an action icon to view a document

Column Headers




This shows the Salesforce entity type to which the shared document belongs, i.e. Opportunity, Leads, etc.


This shows the name(s) of document(s) in each package, which you have shared from your Salesforce account or have been sent to you for processing. 

Entity Reference

This shows the object path inside Salesforce to which the shared document belongs, i.e. Entity name>Object name.


This shows the document owner name who shared the package, i.e. Peter Kavin.


This shows the name of immediate next recipient configured in the SigningHub workflow.

Date Sent

This shows the date and time on which package was shared.


This shows the auto generated ID of shared package.


This shows the current status of documents package. Absence of status against a package implies that it is not related to you. 


This shows the actions that can be performed on each shared documents package, i.e.:

  • Click  to view a shared package. SigningHub will authenticate you within the Salesforce app before opening the document. You can also use it to sign your pending documents packages. In case if any Salesforce entity field(s) are mapped with the document form fields, SigningHub will automatically pick the fields data from the Salesforce entity (from where the document is being shared) and populate them in the respective document fields. You can then edit these document form fields as required before signing. The changes done on the pre-populated fields will reflect on the actual entity fields as well, if the "Auto Sync" field is on in the mapping configuration.
  • Click  to see the updated status of a shared package. This option will appear against the "In-Progress" documents only.
  • Click  to view the Workflow Evidence Report of a package. This option will appear against the "Completed" packages only. 
    Workflow Evidence Report viewing is subject to your configured Document Settings

  1. Click the "All" drop down (as marked with an arrow on the left side of the image above) and select the desired Document Status to filter the documents list accordingly.
  2. Use the "Search" field to search a specific document from the list on the basis of its name.
  3. Click  against the pending document (to sign) from the list.

  1. The authentication screen of SigningHub will appear within Salesforce, specify your credentials to authenticate yourself. There are multiple authentication ways in SigningHub, click the "More Login Options" link to use the advanced login options.
    You can also skip the SigningHub authentication screen by turning on the "Allow recipients to access the documents without login when using email link or integrated application" checkbox from your SigningHub Enterprise account
  2. After successful authentication, the selected document will be opened inside SigningHub where you can view any signing actions that have taken place. 
  3. Click the back button 

  1. Click the "Return to Salesforce" button to conclude your package signing activity and return to the opportunity page.


Delete your Salesforce documents

  1. Log into your Salesforce account.
  2. Click the App Launcher icon and select "View All"

  1. The App Launcher will display, select "SigningHub Documents"

  1. The "SigningHub Documents Status Summary" page will display

  1. Select the document(s) from the list to delete and click  from the grid header.
    The selected documents will be deleted from your Salesforce account (i.e. SigningHub Documents section and SigningHub Document Status area of the respective entity).
    However, the deleted documents will still be available in your SigningHub account in their respective statuses.

Documents can still be seen under the "Notes and Attachments" section of the same Salesforce entity object.