TSL Monitoring can be used to stop / start / restart the automated polling for all the registered TSLs. When the TSL polling settings are updated for a specific TSL or if a new TSL is registered then these details need to be accepted by TSL Monitor, however it is not necessary to disrupt all existing TSL polling. TSL Monitor provides the facility to stop / start / restart TSL polling for individual TSLs by using the TSL Monitoring screen. This screen also displays the current TSL status for each active registered TSL. To access this click on the TSL Monitoring link within TSL Monitor:

The configuration items are as follows:



|< < > >|

These buttons are for navigating the different pages. The number of records per page is configured within the ADSS Server Global Settings.

Clear Search

After a Search the window will only show the filtered records; this button clears the search criteria and provides a view of the full set of records.


This opens a new window where you can enter the search criteria based on each column of the logs grid (see below for further details).


Stops TSL monitoring for the selected TSL.


Starts TSL monitoring for the selected TSL.


Stops and then starts TSL monitoring for the selected TSL.


Updates the screen information with the most recent polling status.

The list of registered TSL on the TSL Monitoring screen can be sorted in either ascending or descending order based on the following criteria: TSL Friendly Name, Status, Current State or Current State Since.

Clicking on the search button displays the following screen:

TSL Monitoring records can be searched based on the TSL Friendly Name, Status (Running or Stopped) and Current State (Stopped, Waiting for Next Fetch, Waiting for Next Fetch After Failure, Downloading TSL and Verifying/Validating and Updating TSL). More than one parameter can be combined using the AND operator.

See also

Service Manager
HA Configuration
TSL Details
TSL Monitoring
TSL Logs
Logs Archiving