The Client Stats Report allows us to view the detailed usage of Signing Service for a particular client (or all clients) on yearly, monthly and daily basis. By clicking the Client Stats link from top of the page, following screen will be displayed:  

The reports comprises of three section i.e. Period, Criteria and Report (details of them are discussed below). The user selects the desired parameters in each section through drop-down in order to visualize the desired report. 

The configuration items are as follows:




Select the start date for the date range you want to report on.


Select the end date for the date range you want to report on.


The Type drop-down will contain the list of types of report you can visualize. Following are the report types that are available in the drop-down:

  • Yearly
    If you select Years from drop-down, the x-axis will represent the number of years selected in 'From' and 'To' time range and the y-axis will represent the number of transactions. There is no limit for the number of years to be selected.
  • Monthly
    If you select Months from drop-down, the x-axis will represent the number of months selected in 'From' and 'To' time range and the y-axis will represent the number of transactions. Maximum 12 months of data can be displayed. If dates greater then 12 months are selected, a prompt message will be displayed.
  • Daily
    If you select Days from the drop-down, the x-axis will represent the number of selected days in 'From' and 'To' time range  and y-axis will represent the number of transactions. Maximum 31 days of data can be displayed. If days are greater than 31 days are selected, a prompt message will be displayed.
  • Hourly
    If you select Hours from the drop-down, the x-axis will represent the hours of the day and the y-axis will represent the number of transactions. Maximum 24 hours of data can be displayed. If hours are greater than 24, a prompt message will be displayed.

Client ID

The Client ID drop-down will contain the list of all the Client ID's that are registered in Client Manager. It will contain an option 'All' in the list if we wish to generate the report for all the clients.


The Profile drop-down will contain the list of all the Signing Profiles configured in Signing Service. Like  Client ID, it will also contain an option 'All' that will allow the user to generate report for all the profiles.


The Instance drop-down will contain the Machine Name/IP of the ADSS Services instances. If the ADSS Service is installed in a load-balanced mode, the drop-down will list all the instances. Instance drop-down will also contain an option 'All' to generate the report for all the instances.

See also

Service Stats Report

Usage Stats Report

Profile Stats Report
Client Stats Report
Instances Stats Report