Home > ADSS Signing Service > Management Reporting > Instances Stats Report

Instances Stats Report

The Instances States Report will give us an idea about the usage of all the Signing Service instances running on the ADSS Server over a specific period of time. By clicking on the Instances Stats link from top of the page, following screen will be displayed:  

The configuration items are as follows:
Item  Description
The period dropdown will help us to select a time period over which the report has to be generated. The dropdown contains the time period of: 
  •  Last 7 Days
    In case of Last 7 days, the report will be generated for the last 7 days data (including current day) for the instance(s) selected in instance dropdown. The horizontal bar will display the days and the vertical bar will display the number of transactions. 

  • Last 24 Hours
    In case of Last 24 hours, the report will be generated for the last 24 hours data. The horizontal bar will display the number of hours and the vertical bar will display the number of transactions.
  • Last 12 Hours
    In case of Last 12 hours, the report will be generated for the last 12 hours data. The horizontal bar will display last tweleve hours with the interval of 30 mins and the vertical bar will display the number of transactions.
The Instance dropdown will contain the list of all Signing Services instances for a particular instance to be selected. If we want the report to be generated for all the instances, we simply need to select 'All' option available in Instance dropdown. 
Show Time As
The Show Time As dropdown allows the operator to select a timezone to display time on the report. The timezones available in the dropdown are 'UTC' and 'Local'.
In case of UTC timezone the report will show time in UTC format and in case of Local the report will display time according to the operators local timezone.

See also