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ADSS Signing Service

ADSS Signing Service provides OASIS DSS compliant data and document signing services for client applications. A wide range of data and document types, signature standards and formats are supported including PDF, PDF/A, Office Word 2016, ETSI (PAdES, CAdES, XAdES), PKCS#1, PKCS#7,CMS and S/MIME.

There are four different ways in which the ADSS Signing Service can be utilised to sign documents:

The modes of signing are described in Concepts and Architecture, Signing Service section of this document. The remaining parts of this section explain how to configure the Signing Service for these various modes of operation. Requests for signature are sent to ADSS Server by:

The following image shows Signing Service sub-modules, details of which are given in the next sections:

The following sections describe how to configure the ADSS Signing Service.

Configuring the Signing Service
PDF Signature Appearances
PDF Signature Locations
Transactions Log Viewer
Authentication Logs
Logs Archiving
Management Reporting
Optimising ADSS Signing Server Performance
Signing Service Interface URLs