Deploy the App with Docker

First, you have to download the most recent code according to the release notes on the server.

Then follow the following steps:

  1. First, see if there are Docker containers that are currently running on the system:



sudo docker ps

This command is used to list the Docker containers that are currently running on the system

  1. If there is a container running, you can stop the service with the following command:



sudo docker-compose -f FileName stop

This command is used to stop services defined in a specific Docker Compose configuration file

  1. To deploy the app, you have to set up the docker services, to do this you have to execute the following command:



sudo docker-compose -f FileName up -d

This command is used to pull up services defined in a specific Docker Compose configuration file

  1. To ensure that the deployment has been carried out correctly you can view the logs of the Docker deployment:



sudo docker-compose -f FileName logs

This command is used to view logs for services defined in a specific Docker Compose configuration file.