Brand your enterprise account

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SigningHub enables you to customise the colour scheming of your SigningHub enterprise account according to your company brand. There are 13 levels of customisation that could help an enterprise admin to tune each and every bit (i.e. company logo, Headings, top bar background, buttons background, toaster background, Email headers, etc.) of their SigningHub account in order to make it look exactly the same like their own enterprise brand.

Once you are done with branding your enterprise account, share your Enterprise URL with your enterprise users so that they may see the branded enterprise interface right from the login screen. You can even customise the error messages content (i.e. images and text), see details.

Brand your enterprise account 

  1. Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
  2. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  3. Click the "Enterprise Settings" option. 
  4. Click the "Branding" option from the left menu.
    The "Branding" screen will appear.
  5. Click the "Logo" tab. Browse the images for your Company Logo, Signature Logo and Favicon as required. From here:

  1. Click the "Colours" tab, and customize the colour schemes of required levels. You can also use hex colouring codes to specify your choice colour.

    For more details, see: 
  1. Click the "Save" button to apply these changes.
    In case you want to revert the changes to their default, click the "Reset to Default" button. 

  1. The branding options configured from here (i.e. Enterprise Admin account) will be applicable to the post logged-in content. However, the branding options configured from SigningHub Admin will be reflected on the entire interface of SigningHub web (of the same on-premises deployment) that includes the pre logged-in content (i.e. login, register, forget password, etc. pages), as well as the post logged-in content (i.e. the actual SigningHub Desktop).
  2. The "Reset to Default" button works for each tab (i.e. Company Logo and Colours) separately. 
  3. You can update the content of SigningHub error messages, see details
  4. The availability of "Branding" feature is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you could not find this option, contact sales.