Home > Access your SigningHub Account > Login through Freja Mobile

Login through Freja Mobile

Verisec is an identity and access management platform, that provides strong authentication solution to safeguard access to the system. SigningHub enables you to use the Freja Mobile app as an optional way for login and signing authentication. 

Login through your Freja Mobile app 
For this, you need to have a Freja Mobile account. Once you have registered with Freja Mobile:

  1. Go to the SigningHub login screen.
  2. Click the "More Login Options" link available at the bottom of login screen. 
    A dialog will appear listing all the supported authentication methods.
  3. Click the "Freja Mobile" option.
  4. Specify your user ID that is registered with Freja Mobile.
  5. Click the "Next" button.
    An authentication request will be sent on your mobile device.
  6. Run the "Freja Mobile" app on your mobile device.
  7. Open the authentication request and approve it.
    You will be logged in to your SigningHub account.

1. As a part of GDPR compliance, the "Service Agreement" dialog will appear after successful user authentication. This dialog contains the links of "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" pages. SigningHub will ensure that you agree to them before letting you use your account.
2. When using an on-premises installation of SigningHub and this is the only configured authentication for the end-users, then you wont need to click the "More Login Options" link to choose it. In that case, this authentication method will be invoked by default on the Login screen.

See also

Login through SigningHub ID

Login through Microsoft Active Directory
Login through Salesforce
Login through Microsoft ADFS
Login through Microsoft Office 365
Login through LinkedIn
Login through Google
Use OTP as two-factor authentication
Login through SSL client
Login through Freja eID
Login through Bank ID
Login through itsme
Login through Azure Active Directory
Corporate logins