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Local Signing connectivity wizard

Local signing is usually done via Go>Sign Desktop app. When you are allowed (available in your service plan and configured in your role) to use local signing, and you have also configured it in your Signing Details, then SigningHub runs a connectivity wizard on successful login. This is to ensure if local signing is correctly configured with your account by signing and verifying a dummy PDF file.

However if Trust1Connector (T1C) is configured for local signing, then make sure the T1C app is installed on your local machine and the related HSM is attached with it while signing. SigningHub will prompt you if any of the above mentioned prerequisite is missing, but will not run any wizard in this case. 

The local signing wizard for Go>Sign Desktop is comprised of three screens, i.e.:

Click "Next" to run the wizard. Click the "Do not show again" option to avoid running this wizard in future.

SigningHub will check if Go>Sign Desktop is installed on your machine. If it is not installed, then a failed message is displayed along with the link from where it can be downloaded. Download Go>Sign Desktop based on your machine type from the provided link and install it. 

If Go>Sign Desktop is installed and running on your machine, SigningHub will check if USB token and certificates are available on your system. All the existing certificates on your machine will be listed in the "Select Certificate" drop down. Select your certificate for signing from the drop down and click the "Sign Document" button.

System will perform a signing operation on a dummy PDF file. Once signing is successful, verification service will be called to check if PKI is registered and root certificate is valid and trusted in ADSS Server. 

When the dummy PDF file is successfully signed and verified, a confirmation message is shown. The information of successful testing is saved in your cookies for six months, and the wizard will not be shown till then. 

Click "Done" to start navigating SigningHub.

Local Signing through Microsoft Edge browser
If you are using the Microsoft Edge browser for local signing, then you need to perform an additional configuration on your machine to run Go>Sign Desktop, i.e.:

  1. Close the Microsoft Edge browser if already launched.
  2. Launch the command prompt by using "Run as administrator".
  3. Run this command: CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -n=Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  4. Launch the Microsoft Edge browser and run your application again to test Go>Sign Desktop. 

​1. In case of running a successful connectivity wizard, ​SigningHub saves this information in your local cookies and will not show the wizard again.
2. Cookies will expire automatically after six months.
3. If Trust1Connector (T1C) is configured for local signing, SigningHub will not run any wizard. Please make sure:
A) The T1C app is installed on your local machine and the related HSM is connected with it while signing.
B) You have full rights on the Trust1Connector service running on your machine.

See also

GeoIP based user location
Multilingual user interface